Fire Ecologyby swfscin Learnon Posted on November 13, 2023November 13, 2023 Products on this topicWebinarsBuilding Ecosystem Resilience & Adaptive Capacity: Aspen Ecology and Management in the SouthwestDec 19, 2024Learn MoreFactsheetFire in the Sonoran DesertNov 5, 2024Learn MorePodcastsFire in the Southwest Series Ep. 4: The Shifting Role of the Forest…Jul 1, 2024Learn MorePodcastsFire in the Southwest Series Ep. 1: Southwest Fire Regimes and Post-Fire Community…May 31, 2024Learn MoreScience SynthesisFire in the Sonoran DesertMay 22, 2024Learn MoreWorkshopsDiné Forest and Climate Teach-InMay 16, 2024Learn MoreField TripsSonoran Fuel Breaks Field Trip – February 2024Jan 24, 2024Learn MoreField TripsStory MapsHermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Fire: One Year LaterOct 15, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsGrassification and Fast-Evolving Fire Connectivity and Risk in the Sonoran DesertAug 14, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsMonitoring and Removal of Invasive Grasses for Restoration of Dry Desert SystemsJul 24, 2023Learn MoreEventsBlooming from the AshesJul 19, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsGeomorphic Recovery and Post-Fire Flooding Implications from Museum FireDec 22, 2022Learn MoreSouthwestern Wildfire Season Overview2021 SW Wildfire Season OverviewNov 29, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsVegetation Type ConversionAug 19, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsWildfire, Human Health, and Environmental JusticeJun 16, 2022Learn MoreField TripsTelegraph Fire-10 months Post-FireJun 15, 2022Learn MoreStory MapsPost-fire Flooding: The Museum FireMar 25, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsPostfire Management in Frequent-Fire Conifer ForestsDec 20, 2021Learn MoreWebinarsRepeat Photography and Post-Fire Ecosystem Change in SE ArizonaOct 6, 2021Learn MoreSouthwestern Wildfire Season Overview2020 SW Wildfire Season OverviewAug 5, 2021Learn MorePodcastsAfter the “Big One” part 2Jun 26, 2020Learn MoreStory MapsAfter the Fire: Learning from Burned Areas in the SouthwestJun 10, 2020Learn MoreWebinarsEvaluating Change in Bird Communities from Wildfire in the Arizona Sky IslandsMay 24, 2020Learn MoreScience SynthesisFire and Soils in Frequent-Fire Landscapes of the SouthwestApr 29, 2020Learn MoreFactsheetFire Moss: Natural colonization and post-fire rehabilitation trialsApr 14, 2020Learn MoreEventsWebinarsOct 16, 2019: Contributions of fire refugia to resilient ponderosa pine and dry…Sep 15, 2019Learn MoreVideosBurning in the Black Range- Using prescribed fire on the Gila National ForestAug 14, 2019Learn MoreLoad More