Human Dimensions of Fireby swfscin Learnon Posted on November 13, 2023November 13, 2023 Products on this topicFactsheetShort Term Rental PacketMar 18, 2025Learn MoreFactsheetLearning from New Mexico’s Largest WildfireJan 31, 2025Learn MoreFactsheetPreparing for WildfireJan 31, 2025Learn MoreFactsheetHow to Organize A Community Chipper DayJan 17, 2025Learn MoreWebinarsHuman Causes and Human Consequences of Wildfires in the Western United StatesJan 15, 2025Learn MoreFactsheetWildfire Ready Business Continuity PlanningOct 31, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsTribal Collaborations and Agreements: The Community Navigators Program (CNP)Jul 29, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsWorking on Ancestral Lands: a primer on Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL)Jul 29, 2024Learn MoreFactsheetUsing Wildfire Visualization for Mindful CommunicationJul 29, 2024Learn MorePodcastsFire in the Southwest Series Ep. 4: The Shifting Role of the Forest…Jul 1, 2024Learn MoreScience SynthesisFire in the Sonoran DesertMay 22, 2024Learn MoreWorkshopsDiné Forest and Climate Teach-InMay 16, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsWildlife and Fire: From Borders to Biota, Monitoring at Multiple ScalesMay 2, 2024Learn MoreFactsheetHow Do I Protect My Home From Wildfire?Apr 17, 2024Learn MoreVideosTamarisk Removal along the Lower Gila River – COMING SOON!Mar 4, 2024Learn MoreField TripsSonoran Fuel Breaks Field Trip – February 2024Jan 24, 2024Learn MoreOther PublicationsSW Wildfire Social Science ReviewJan 3, 2024Learn MoreField TripsStory MapsHermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Fire: One Year LaterOct 15, 2023Learn MoreEventsBlooming from the AshesJul 19, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsPublic Experiences and Perceptions with Wildfire and Flooding, A Case Study of the…Apr 18, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsPolicy & Managed FireMar 24, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsStrategies to Reduce Wildfire SmokeFeb 23, 2023Learn MoreOther PublicationsFire Science Research Needs in the SouthwestJan 23, 2023Learn MoreWebinarsProtecting Denver’s Water SupplyMay 11, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsOutdoor Recreation & WildfireApr 15, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsCollective Action for Wildfire Risk ReductionMar 25, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsFull-Cost Accounting of the 2010 Schultz FireNov 18, 2021Learn MoreLoad More