Wildlifeby swfscin Learnon Posted on November 13, 2023November 13, 2023 Products on this topicUpcoming WebinarsWebinarsPre- and Post-Fire Impacts of Beaver Dams and Beaver Dam AnalogsFeb 21, 2025Learn MoreUpcoming WebinarsWebinarsThe Bear Truth: Black Bear Resource Selection and Response to Wildfires and Forest…Feb 21, 2025Learn MoreFactsheetSoil MicroinvertebratesJan 24, 2025Learn MoreWebinarsWildlife and Fire: Improving Habitat Management Through Monitoring and AdaptationMay 21, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsWildlife and Fire: From Borders to Biota, Monitoring at Multiple ScalesMay 2, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsWildlife and Fire SeriesApr 11, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsWildlife and Fire: Perspectives and EffectsMar 29, 2024Learn MoreWebinarsWildfire, Fish, & Water Resources in the Western USJan 20, 2022Learn MoreWebinarsEvaluating Change in Bird Communities from Wildfire in the Arizona Sky IslandsMay 24, 2020Learn MoreConferenceEvents2017 TWS Conference Symposium- Wildfire and spotted owls: It’s a burning issue (co-host)Aug 28, 2017Learn MoreField TripsStory MapsBosque del Apache NWR-Fire and Wildlife ManagementAug 28, 2017Learn MoreField TripsDecember 2, 2016: Altar ValleyJul 17, 2017Learn MoreEventsWebinarsMarch 1, 2017: Fuels treatments and ecological values in piñon-juniper woodlands: Vegetation, birds,…Feb 11, 2017Learn MoreVideosHigh Severity Fire: Response and UncertaintyJul 2, 2016Learn MoreEventsWebinarsDecember 16, 2015: Impacts of Thinning and Burning in Spotted Owl HabitatDec 17, 2015Learn MoreScience SynthesisFire and Wildlife ImpactsDec 1, 2015Learn MoreEventsWebinarsSeptember 2015: Immediate post-wildfire effects on bats in the SouthwestSep 1, 2015Learn MoreEventsWebinarsApril 2, 2015: Tamarisk invasion and fire in Southwestern desert ecosystemsApr 8, 2015Learn MoreEventsWebinarsJune 11, 2014: People, fire, and insects: Three centuries of disturbance interactions along…Jun 16, 2014Learn MoreEventsWorkshopsFebruary 2014: Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshopApr 27, 2014Learn MoreEventsWebinarsJune 19, 2013: Effects of Wildland Fire on Lowland Leopard Frogs and their…Jul 2, 2013Learn MoreEventsWebinarsFebruary 19, 2013: Implementing the Mexican spotted owl revised recovery plan: Conducting fire…Feb 19, 2013Learn MoreEventsWebinarsMay 18, 2011: Fuels Treatment Practices for Mixed Conifer Forests in the SouthwestMay 14, 2011Learn MoreEventsWebinarsApril 20, 2011: Southwest Climate Change InitiativeApr 1, 2011Learn More