Wildlife and Fire Series

This page will continue to be updated as the 3+ part webinar series continues. Check back here for more webinars recordings!

In January, the Southwest Fire Science Consortium, USDA Forest Service, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, and many other partners hosted a two-day workshop on the intersection of wildlife and fire. Based on the needs identified in the workshop, this collaborative group is hosting a yearlong series of workshops, webinars, and reports to improve wildlife outcomes in the face of fire and climate change. This series is intended to help researchers and practitioners across fire and wildlife disciplines exchange ideas, tools, and lessons to address the rapid pace and scale of fire management.


Check out the workshop page here or click the image below for a playlist of workshop recordings :

Webinar #1: Perspectives and Effects

Recorded on : April 9, 2024

Description: In the first webinar of this series, a panel of experts discussed fire effects on wildlife, managing for habitat in controlled burning, and different mindsets in the fire and wildlife discussion, setting the stage for webinars later in the series. 

Presenters: Jonathan Grassmick, Director of Ranch Properties, Bobcat Ranch/Rainbow Village, Pueblo of Sandia; Jamie Sanderlin, Quantitative Vertebrate Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station; Morgan Tingley, Associate Professor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles

Webinar #2: From Borders to Biota, Monitoring at Multiple Scales

Recorded on: May 21, 2024

Description: In the second webinar of this series, a panel of experts will discuss monitoring and collaboration at multiple scales at the intersection of fire and wildlife. Topics include the study of how fire and thinning may impact several important soil organisms that support forested wildlife habitat, large-scale monitoring of border infrastructure impacts on wildlife, stories from habitat recovery within large wildfire footprints, collaborations to manage sage grouse and their habitat, and observations on intra-agency differences coordinating wildlife management and fire recovery. Please join us on May 21 to learn more about monitoring at multiple scales.

Presenters: Jamie Sanderlin, USFS; Kara Gibson, NAU; Kevin Doherty, USFS; Eamon Harrity, Sky Island Alliance; Shaula Hedwall, FWS

Webinar #3: Improving Habitat Management Through Monitoring and Adaptation

Recorded On: June 11, 2024

Description: In the third webinar of this series, a panel of experts will discuss informing wildlife habitat management through monitoring and adaptation at the intersection of fire, climate change, and human encroachment. Topics include the how monitoring may be expanded to the big picture – habitat associations, animal distributions across space and time, and the associated changes therein – by harnessing “big data”; monitoring frameworks for addressing vulnerability of wildlife and their habitats to climate change using MSO as an example; using the study of animal movement in response to changing fire regimes to inform conservation and human-wildlife coexistence; and holistic management of wildlife habitat when addressing fuels reduction, especially in pinyon juniper ecosystems. Please join us on June 11 to learn more about informed wildlife habitat management through monitoring.

Presenters: Valerie Stein Foster, Wildlife Biologist, Forest Service Washington Office; Andrew Stillman, Cornell Lab of Ornithology Center for Avian Population Studies; Rachel Blakey, Cal Poly Pomona-Department of Biological Sciences; Josh Goldberg, Pacific Northwest Research Station

To access the resources mentioned in the webinar, view the webinar page for this episode

RMRS webinar series webpagehttps://www.fs.usda.gov/research/rmrs/wildlife-and-fire-southwest-webinar-series

This webinar series is co-hosted by the Arizona Wildfire Initiative.

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