ReSHAPE: Reshaping wildfire and fuels reduction information

Date/Time: Thursday, May 15, 2025 at 1:00 PM Mountain / 12:00 PM Arizona

Description: The Southwest Ecological Restoration Institutes (SWERI) established the ReShape program in response to feedback from policymakers, land managers, and researchers. ReShape ( compiles and displays national-scale data on forest treatments and wildfires through the Treatment and Wildfire Interagency Geodatabase (TWIG), a user-friendly, collaborative, and open-access decision support tool. Research efforts focus on four key areas: social science for collaborative decision-making, biophysical effects of forest treatments, data science for large dataset analysis, and economic assessments led by the Conservation Economics Institute. At this critical stage, ReShape is fostering dialogue on TWIG’s effectiveness while refining the tool to better support wildfire risk reduction efforts.

This webinar will provide a tool demonstration, lessons from case studies, and a Q&A session to help researchers, land managers, and graduate students access and incorporate nationwide wildfire and fuel treatment data through the TWIG into their analyses for better understandings of fuel treatment effectiveness across boundaries.

Speakers: Aidan Franko, Aaron Kimple, Patti Dappen, Anson Call, and Scott Franz of Northern Arizona University

This webinar is co-hosted by the Arizona Wildfire Initiative.

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