Risk Management Prioritization

Presenter: Dr Melanie Colavito, Ecological Restoration InstituteDate: December 8, 2020 12pm Mountain Time The Ecological Restoration Institute recently completed a project analyzing the use and adoption of wildfire risk assessment and fuels treatment prioritization methods and products—broadly referred to here as decision support tools (DSTs)—by federal land managers. There is a need to demystify the …

Potential Operational Delineations (PODs)

Presenters: Jamie Long, Kit O’Connor, USDA Forest Service and Mike Caggiano, Colorado Forest Restoration InstituteDate: November 19, 2020 12pm Mountain Time This will be the first in our new series to feature “Science in Management Spotlight,” the goal of which is to highlight active use of science in a management setting. Let us know if …

Wildfire-Driven Forest Conversion in Western North American landscapes

Presenters: Jonathan Coop, Western Colorado University; Sean Parks, USDA Forest Service; Camille Stevens-Rumann, Colorado State UniversityDate: November 18, 2020 11am Mountain Time Changing disturbance regimes and climate can overcome forest ecosystem resilience. Following high-severity fire, forest recovery may be compromised by lack of tree seed sources, warmer and drier postfire climate, or short-interval reburning. A …

Policy Change & Wildland Fire Management

Date: October 22, 2020 11am AZ/12pm MDTPresenter: Jesse Young, Post-Doctoral Scholar, Northern Arizona University In 2009, new guidance for wildland fire management in the United States expanded the range of strategic options for managers working to reduce the threat of high-severity wildland fire, improve forest health and respond to a changing climate. Markedly, the new …

Fire in the West 2020

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY In our last episode of the season we process out loud the fire season that is 2020. We hear from folks directly impacted and talk to a certified climate expert to learn how climate change is (or isn’t) causing the fires on the west coast. EPISODE NOTES Cally …

A fire fighter with a large pack, helmet & yellow jacket works on a fire.

Fighting for Firefighter Safety

Research to Implementation: A JFSP Success Story Wildfires are getting larger and more frequent across the Western U.S., which means more and more firefighters are being mobilized into action. Firefighters are constantly exposed to hazardous conditions while performing their jobs and safety is critical in such volatile and dynamic environments. The Joint Fire Science Program …

Good Fire

EPISODE SUMMARY Living with fire means different things to different people. In this episode Cally and Collin talk with Jeremy Bailey and Pepe Iniguez about how prescribed fire and managed fire might help us create a pathway that leads us living with fire. We talk about some of the barriers and some interesting marketing strategies. …

Southwest FireCLIME

Southwest FireCLIME is a multi-year research partnership between scientists and resource managers to synthesize current knowledge of regional climate-fire-ecosystem dynamics. Our project has addressed this goal through science synthesis, an annotated bibliography, modeling, a vulnerability assessment, and Fire-Climate adaptation tools. For more information, visit the website: https://swfireclime.org/ Funded by the Joint Fire Science Program, research …

Resilience in National Forest Planning

Presenter: Jesse Abrams, University of Georgia Date: September 9, 2020 11am AZ/12pm MDT Recent policies including the Cohesive Strategy and the 2012 NFMA planning rule emphasize restoration of landscape resilience as a way forward for living with fire on national forestlands. But what does resilience mean, what does it take to plan for resilient landscapes, …

Collaborative Planning for Fire-Adapted Communities

Presenter: Dr. Fermin Alcasena Date: August 26, 2020 11am AZ/12pm MDT Despite the growing number of extreme fires occurring in wildland-urban interface areas of the western US, the development of wildfire risk reduction programs aimed at creating fire-adapted communities has been scarce. We present a management-oriented collaborative planning case study for the rural communities in …