Land managers are challenged to protect cultural resources within the context of reintroducing fire on the landscape. Positive relationships and partnerships are essential to effective management. View the YouTube video here.
October 10, 2018: Modeling and mapping the potential for high severity fire in the western U.S.
Presenter: Sean Parks, Research Ecologist, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, Rocky Mountain Research Station, US Forest Service Date: October 10, 2018 11am AZ/12pm MDT The ecological effects of wildland fire – also termed the fire severity – are often highly heterogeneous in space and time. This heterogeneity is a result of spatial variability in factors …
September 26, 2018: Use and benefits of NASA’s RECOVER for post-fire decision support
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenters: William Toombs and Keith Weber, GIS Training and Research Center, Idaho State University Today’s extended fire seasons and large fire footprints have prompted state and federal land-management agencies to devote increasingly large portions of their budgets to wildfire management. As fire costs continue to rise, timely and comprehensive …
Read more “September 26, 2018: Use and benefits of NASA’s RECOVER for post-fire decision support”
Resources for predicting and mitigating smoke impacts of wildland fires
Resources for predicting and mitigating smoke impacts of wildland fires PDF. Working Paper 40, August 2018, by Caleb Stotts, Pete Lahm, and Claudia Standish Factsheet also available here. Fact Sheet, August 2018, by Caleb Stotts, Pete Lahm, and Claudia Standish Fire managers use prescribed fire and some wildfires to meet resource management objectives, like restoring and maintaining …
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Smoke impacts, air resource advisors and you!
Air Resource Advisors provide a vast array of tools and products to predict and communicate smoke impacts during wildfires. Having a resource solely dedicated to smoke management and effective messaging improves both internal and external communication. View the video here.
August 29, 2018: The full community costs of wildfire
Date: August 29, 2018 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: Kimiko Barrett, Headwaters Economics As wildfires increase in size and severity, the costs to protect homes and lives similarly rise. Yet protecting communities represents a relatively small portion of the total costs of a wildfire—other short- and long-term impacts yield a variety of costs that often go …
Read more “August 29, 2018: The full community costs of wildfire”
November 27-29, 2018: Working together- Fire managers & archaeologists
Thank you to all who attended for helping us make this workshop a success! November 27th consisted of a one-day workshop on fire effects to archaeological resources November 28-29th was an interactive workshop and covered the following topics: Importance of fire on the landscape and the importance of protecting cultural resources within that context How …
Read more “November 27-29, 2018: Working together- Fire managers & archaeologists”
2017 SW Wildfire Season Overview
2017 Fire Season: An Overview – Southwestern U.S. by Michael Lynch and Alexander Evans.
May 17, 2018: Fire and Water Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Date: Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 6:30pm Location: Museum of Northern Arizona, 3100 N. Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff, AZ Catastrophic wildfire impacts many aspects of life in Arizona: from the quality and sustainability of our water supplies to the safety and livelihood of people who live in mountain towns on the edge of our forests. …
Read more “May 17, 2018: Fire and Water Film Screening & Panel Discussion”
May 9, 2018: BehavePlus updates and changes
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenters: Faith Ann Heinsch, S&K Global Solutions, RMRS Missoula Fire Lab In the webinar, Faith Ann… briefly described major changes from version 5 to version 6 showed sample Runs demonstrating these changes provided suggestions for calculating surface fire behavior using BehavePlus v6 described how changes in BehavePlus affect …