Soil micro invertebrates laid out in a ring. These are colorful little creatures: red, orange, purple, clear, brown).

Soil Microinvertebrates

Did you know that most multicellular animals in forests are tiny soil and litter dwelling invertebrates that are barely visible or invisible to the naked eye? We call these minute critters “microinvertebrates” (in contrast to “macroinvertebrates,” which are larger, more easily observable invertebrates like earthworms). Scroll down to read the fact sheet below or download …

How to Organize A Community Chipper Day

KEEPING COMMUNITIES RESILIENT TO WILDFIRE WITH NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS. A chipper day typically involves residents removing vegetation around their home and having the removed material chipped to reduce the risk of wildfire to their home and community. Coordinating vegetation removal between residents and local groups or organizations helps to maximize the impact of this work …

Group of people look into a cloud of smoke

Human Causes and Human Consequences of Wildfires in the Western United States

In a nutshell: Three webinars over three days explore conditions that contribute to wildfire ignitions, how preparation and response need to be tailored to fit the affected community, and how red flag warnings help reduce fire ignitions. Interdisciplinary understanding and prediction of wildfires Presenters: Mojtaba Sadegh, Boise State University; Karen Short, USDA Forest Service Understanding …

Building Ecosystem Resilience & Adaptive Capacity: Aspen Ecology and Management in the Southwest

In a nutshell: Dr. Connor Crouch presents on three threats facing quaking aspen in the Southwest – climate, pests and disease, and livestock browse – and three management objectives and strategies that can be implemented to improve aspen resilience and adaptive capacity, leaving attendees with actionable suggestions for resource management. Recorded on: Wednesday, January 22, …

2023 Overview and 2024 Outlook Webinar Cover Photo

Fire in the Southwest Ep. 6: The Ebb and Flow of Public Trust Around Prescribed Fire, with New Mexico State Forester Lindsey Quam

EPISODE SUMMARY In our sixth and final episode of the Fire in the Southwest Series—sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative—we explore the complex, multicultural fire histories and management dynamics in New Mexico, with State Forester and Tribal Liaison Lindsey Quam. New Mexico’s recent relationship with fire has been fraught …

Sean Parker, June 2020

Fire in the Sonoran Desert

The expansion of the grass-fire cycle in the deserts of North America is driving ecosystem level transformation from patchy desert scrub to invasive grassland. A novel fire regime in the Sonoran Desert is forcing a new approach to land management. Unprecedented large-scale fires in recent years, especially in 2005 and 2020, have been driven by …

Stock photo of employees

Wildfire Ready Business Continuity Planning

How quickly a business can return after a fire depends on emergency planning done today. Business continuity planning involves looking at businesses from inside and out to determine the people, resources, and procedures that are absolutely essential to keep operations running. Creating a business continuity plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected and can …

Sonoran desert view showing saguaro cactus surrounded by tall buffelgrass

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 5: Using Wildfire To Build Resilience at the Landscape Scale, with Dr. Jose (Pepe) Iniguez

EPISODE SUMMARY EPISODE SUMMARY For our fifth episode of the the Fire in the Southwest Series, we’re talking managed wildfires, which has a number of alter egos depending on who you talk to in the wildfire world, some of which include “wildland fire use” or “managing wildfires for resource benefit”. Dr. Jose “Pepe” Iniguez, a …

FELL Materials Middle School

Los materiales para los educadores no-formales

El kínder – 2º grado  Los ayudantes comunitarios: Los estudiantes aprenden sobre los incendios forestales y las profesiones de la gestión de la tierra. Los estudiantes exploran las diferentes comunidades bióticas y cómo pueden ayudar a cuidar de la tierra. El plan de la clase Los materiales descargables:  Las Cartas: La carta a los padres (Editar …

Preventing accidental ignitions title part of flyer

Preventing Accidental Ignitions: A Case Study of Developed Shooting Ranges

We are happy to announce the premiere of a new educational video, “Preventing accidental ignitions: A case study of developed shooting ranges” for #NationalPublicLandsDay on September 28, 2024.  Wildfires are accidentally ignited by target shooting each year. While there is no good data on the number of fires started by firearms, land managers recognize the …