A post-fire ponderosa pine seedling

January 18, 2017: Patterns of conifer regeneration following high severity wildfire in ponderosa pine-dominated forests

Date: January 18, 2017, 12pm MST Presenter: Marin Chambers, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, CSU The past two decades have witnessed fires of increased severity in southern Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine – dominated forests. Marin will discuss results from an ongoing project that is characterizing post-fire conifer regeneration in severely burned patches, and how regeneration characteristics are governed …

November 1, 2016: Is science used to inform fire management and policy decisions?

Date: November 1, 2016 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenter: Molly Hunter, University of Arizona This webinar will include recent science findings and a case study. Dr. Molly Hunter will present results from an assessment of outcomes from research projects funded by the Joint Fire Science Program to determine whether or not science has been used to inform …

November 16, 2016: Forest density preferences of homebuyers in the WUI

Date: November 16, 2016 12pm MST Presenter: Evan Hjerpe, Conservation Economics Institute and Yeon-Su Kim, Northern Arizona University In the fire-prone Western U.S., the scale of surrounding forest density can be realized by homebuyers as an amenity for aesthetics and cooling effects, or as a disamenity in terms of wildfire risk. There has been a lack of …

Bark Beetles and Restoration Treatments

Although bark beetles are a natural part of the ponderosa pine forest ecosystem, it has been the insect most often associated with widespread tree mortality. Therefore, land managers charged with forest restoration use prescribed fire and thinning treatments to promote healthy and resilient stands. Read more!

October 5, 2016: Developing & maintaining trust in collaborative forest projects

Presenter: Kimberly Coleman, University of Vermont Date: October 5, 2016 This webinar will describe qualitative, case study research that investigated four projects in the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) to understand how varying organizational structures impacted collaboration.  I selected the four case studies to represent the range of organizational structure present through the CFLRP.  …

Megan Poling research

August 24, 2016: Increasing trends in high severity fire in the southwestern USA from 1984-2013

Presenter: Megan Poling, PhD Student, Northern Arizona University In the last three decades nearly 5 million hectares have burned in all vegetation types in the Southwest and the largest fires in documented history have occurred in the past two decades. However, trends in severity, or how fires are burning have not been well documented in forest …

August 22, 2016: Meeting the JFSP data availability requirement

Presenter: Laurie Porth and Dave Rugg, U.S. Forest Service Research & Development, Research Data Archive Meeting the JFSP grant requirement for post-research data accessibility requires some planning. This webinar will review the two paths for satisfying the data requirement, discuss in detail what is needed for publishing research data through the Forest Service Research Data Archive, …