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September 10, 2015: Fire Management on the San Carlos Apache Reservation

We took a full day field trip to visit various fires managed through partnership between the San Carlos Apache (SCA) Tribe and the BIA San Carlos Agency. Over the last several years, they have built a mosaic of fire by allowing fire to retake its natural role across the Nantac Rim. Recent fires on the …

The New Normal: Wildfire in the 21st Century

The New Normal: Wildfire in the 21st Century, is intended for public use. It explains current issues as they relate to fire management and what managers are doing to help build resilient landscapes. Please share widely and help spread the message about positive fire management.

There is growing recognition that many forests need fire to thin dense vegetation that chokes forest health and creates favorable settings for more destructive fires. Also, climate change has produced hotter, drier weather across the West, and this has directly led to more extreme wildfire behavior over the past few decades. View the YouTube video here

August 26, 2015: Climate change and fire in the Southwest

Presenter: Larissa Yocom, Northern Arizona University Global climate change will lead to shifts in climate patterns and fire regimes in the Southwest over coming decades. The intent of this webinar is to summarize the current state of scientific knowledge about climate change predictions in the Southwest as well as the pathways by which fire might …

Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests

The intent of this working paper is to explain the basics of the carbon cycle detailing how much carbon moves through vegetation, water, and soils over time. The paper also summarizes where current science suggests that carbon cycling patterns are most likely to change in the coming years to decades, and how management can influence …

September 2015: Immediate post-wildfire effects on bats in the Southwest

Presenters:  Erin Saunders Northern Arizona University and U.S. Forest Service, and Carol Chambers, Northern Arizona University Ponderosa pine forests in the southwestern U.S. have increased in density over the last 100 years which has dramatically increased the size and frequency of wildfires. Although wildfires rarely kill animals, they have immediate consequences to bat populations by drastically …

July 8, 2015: Connecting resilience science with decision-making: Guidelines for the effective development and application of scientific information

Presenter: Melanie Colavito, University of Arizona This webinar describes the results of a study that sought to identify barriers and opportunities to the use of scientific information about resilience for decision-making and on-the-ground management. Data for this study was collected from interviews that were conducted with scientists, managers, and other stakeholders following “Fostering resilience in …

Climate Change and Fire in the Southwest

The intent of this working paper is to summarize the current state of scientific knowledge about climate change predictions in the Southwest as well as the pathways by which fire might be affected. Working Paper 34, June 2015, Author: Larissa L. Yocom Kent RELATED CONTENT

May 12, 2015: The Southwest Fire Season: 2014 Overview and 2015 Outlook

Presenter: Zander Evans, Forest Guild and Chuck Maxwell, Predictive Services Please join us for a webinar to review last year’s fires and look ahead toward conditions for this year. Dr. Zander Evans will present an overview of the 12 largest fires in the Southwest during 2014. He will share summaries of forest types and burn severities …

April 2015: Planning for the Next Big One: Managing the Post-fire Environment in a Time of Change

The Burned Area Learning Network Workshop Together with the Fire Learning Network, the SWFSC hosted a collaborative workshop to improve advance planning for post wildfire impacts April 16-17, 2015 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Materials and Notes from the workshop can be downloaded below. If you have further questions, contact Anne Bradley with The Nature …