July 8, 2015: Connecting resilience science with decision-making: Guidelines for the effective development and application of scientific information

Presenter: Melanie Colavito, University of Arizona This webinar describes the results of a study that sought to identify barriers and opportunities to the use of scientific information about resilience for decision-making and on-the-ground management. Data for this study was collected from interviews that were conducted with scientists, managers, and other stakeholders following “Fostering resilience in …

Climate Change and Fire in the Southwest

The intent of this working paper is to summarize the current state of scientific knowledge about climate change predictions in the Southwest as well as the pathways by which fire might be affected. Working Paper 34, June 2015, Author: Larissa L. Yocom Kent RELATED CONTENT

May 12, 2015: The Southwest Fire Season: 2014 Overview and 2015 Outlook

Presenter: Zander Evans, Forest Guild and Chuck Maxwell, Predictive Services Please join us for a webinar to review last year’s fires and look ahead toward conditions for this year. Dr. Zander Evans will present an overview of the 12 largest fires in the Southwest during 2014. He will share summaries of forest types and burn severities …

April 2015: Planning for the Next Big One: Managing the Post-fire Environment in a Time of Change

The Burned Area Learning Network Workshop Together with the Fire Learning Network, the SWFSC hosted a collaborative workshop to improve advance planning for post wildfire impacts April 16-17, 2015 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Materials and Notes from the workshop can be downloaded below. If you have further questions, contact Anne Bradley with The Nature …

April 15, 2015: Effects of climate variability and accelerated thinning on watershed-scale runoff in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests

Presenter: Marcos Robles, The Nature Conservancy The recent mortality of up to 20% of forests and woodlands in the southwestern United States, along with declining stream flows and projected future water shortages, heightens the need to understand how management practices can enhance forest resilience and functioning under unprecedented scales of drought and wildfire. To address …

The 2014 San Juan Fire: Fuel Treatments and Fire Management

The San Juan fire ignited on June 26, 2014 on the White Mountain Apache Reservation and quickly entered the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. The fire was wind-driven for the first few days, and fire behavior was influenced by extremely dry fuel conditions related to long-term drought. However, as the fire moved to the southwest it encountered a series of fuels treatments done as part of the White Mountain Stewardship Contract and a habitat improvement partnership project. View the YouTube video here.

April 2, 2015: Tamarisk invasion and fire in Southwestern desert ecosystems

Presenter: Gail Drus, St. Francis University Increased wildfire has been observed with the displacement of native cottonwood-willow (Salix and Populus spp.) gallery forests by invasive, non-native tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in desert riparian zones of North America. Greater post-fire recovery of Tamarix relative to native species suggests a Tamarix fire trajectory where repeated fire excludes native …

San Carlos Apache – Building a Culture of Fire

For the past decade, the San Carlos Apache fire and forestry staff has been working to reintroduce fire to the landscape through an expanding prescribed fire and managed wildfire program. Stephen J. Pyne narrates this video describing the 2014 fire season on San Carlos when the new approach to fire was tested with the simultaneous management of multiple prescribed burns as well as a number of wildfire starts. One of those starts, the Skunk Fire eventually grew to over 73,000 acres.

February 25, 2015: Fire and climate history of the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Integration of tree-ring and alluvial-sediment methods

Presenter: Erica Bigio, University of Arizona This webinar presents research on the historical fire regimes of the western San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado, where the landscape provided a unique opportunity to sample tree-ring and alluvial-sediment records in the same study sites. Knowledge of historical fire regimes (frequency, size, severity) can help support management plans …