Online Learning Platforms
Canvas Interactive Lab Notebook Interactive Lab Notebook (Google Slides) For access to a Google Classroom module, please email El cuaderno del laboratorio interactivo (Google Slides) Envíe un correo electrónico a Mollie Parsons ( sobre cualquier problema técnico o unos enlaces rotos.
Teacher Testimonials
Anna from New Mexico teaches 8th Grade STEM “I would definitely recommend this curriculum. It is based here, not some place the kids haven’t seen before. It doesn’t just focus on one part of wildfires, but on everything. Fires are not just one thing.” Mrs. Suggs has been teaching science for thirty years and was …
FELL Individual Lesson Plans
Scroll down for Spanish materials (FELL Planes de Lecciones Individuales a continuación) Additional Materials: If you have trouble accessing these links, please email FELL Planes de Lecciones Individuales Los materiales adicionales:
Full FELL Curriculum
Teacher and Student Materials Click here for a PDF download of the Full Curriculum, Teacher Materials. This is a large file (59.1 MB) and may take some time to download. Click here for a PDF download of the Full Curriculum, Student Materials (includes lower reading level version). This is a large file (177.1 MB) and may take some time …