podcast episode 4: Zander Evans

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 4: The Shifting Role of the Forest Stewards Guild in an Era of Megafires, with Zander Evans

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to episode four of our Fire in the Southwest Series, supported by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium as well as the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! Today’s guest, Zander Evans, is the executive director of the Forest Stewards Guild, which has a mission of promoting ecologically-, economically-, and socially-responsible forestry as a means of sustaining the integrity of …

Fire in the Southwest Series, Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to our third episode of our Fire in the Southwest series! In this episode, we spoke with Jon Martin, who is the Director of Native American Forest and Rangeland Management Programming at the Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University. Jon spent three decades working in forestry before retiring, and now uses his extensive …

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 2: The Grassification of the Sonoran Desert with Ecologist Mary Lata

EPISODE SUMMARY What is it like to watch vegetation type-conversion in real time? How are invasive grasses changing the ecology of the desert and broader Southwest? What’s being done to protect and restore Southwest ponderosa pine forests?  This episode with Tonto National Forest fire ecologist Mary Lata dives into the fire regimes of the Southwest, …

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 1: Southwest Fire Regimes and Post-Fire Community Support with Mary Stuever

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to the first part of our six-episode series all about the Southwest, sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! In our introductory episode for the series, we spoke with Mary Stuever, who is the Cimarron District Forester for New Mexico State Forestry. Mary has a breadth of …

Fire in the West 2020

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY In our last episode of the season we process out loud the fire season that is 2020. We hear from folks directly impacted and talk to a certified climate expert to learn how climate change is (or isn’t) causing the fires on the west coast. EPISODE NOTES Cally …

Good Fire

EPISODE SUMMARY Living with fire means different things to different people. In this episode Cally and Collin talk with Jeremy Bailey and Pepe Iniguez about how prescribed fire and managed fire might help us create a pathway that leads us living with fire. We talk about some of the barriers and some interesting marketing strategies. …

Let’s talk WUI

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY We talked with two scientists about life in the Wildland Urban Interface or WUI. We were particularly curious about why people choose to move into these areas even when the risks are well known and have been demonstrated pretty dramatically in the past few years. We wanted to …

Extreme Fire

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY Cally and Collin talk with experts on extreme fire behavior. We learn it is more complex than it seems and the exact definition is hard to pin down. EPISODE NOTES Discussion on extreme fire. How can we prepare for it? How might it change in the future? How …