Southwest Indigenous Fire Stewardship Annotated Bibliography

A review of sources published between 2014-2024. Indigenous Peoples have used fire in their stewardship of Southwest landscapes for thousands of years. Understanding how, when, and why Indigenous Peoples have used fire can help keep southwestern ecosystems healthy and resilient. Research on cultural burning and Indigenous Fire Knowledge has often been conducted through extractive ways …

2023 SW Wildfire Research Review

“Fire is an integral component of many Southwest ecosystems; however, fire regimes across the region have been affected by climate change, creating conditions to which these ecosystems have not adapted. Since 1980, fire frequency, size and severity have increased in many ecosystems in the western US due to changes in climate combined with a history …

Map: Southwest Fires Image (1909-2021)

Map: Most Notable Fires in Arizona and New Mexico

Explore maps of the most notable fires in Arizona and New Mexico 1909*-2021. Shown are the fires listed in our Wildfire Season Overview products as well as any fire over 100,000 acres. All of the maps are georeferenced and can be put on Avenza or a similar app to be utilized on a mobile device! *The available …

SW Wildfire Social Science Review

An annotated bibliography of research from 1984-2023 Explore this review of all existing social science regarding the human elements of wildfire from Southwestern States, with a focus on Arizona and New Mexico. “The purpose of this bibliography is to support wildfire risk reduction planning, management, and recovery efforts” -Author Catrin Edgeley View the PDF here …

Smoke from a fire fills the space between two small hills.

Fire Science Research Needs in the Southwest

By Noah Haarmann and Catrin Edgeley Overview Fire science has advanced significantly in the past decade, yet prioritization of, access to, and use of best available scientific information (BASI) among different users remains unclear. This whitepaper presents the outcomes of a survey (informed by key informant interviews) to determine research needs in fire science across …