Fire in the Southwest – Fire Season 2023 Overview and 2024 Outlook

In a nutshell: Learn about commonalities and unique events within the 10 largest Southwestern fires of 2023 and hear a meteorologist explore the fire season outlook and expectations for fire weather behavior in 2024. Recorded On: June 4, 2024 Description: Wildfire is part of the landscape in the Southwest. It can be a threat to …

2022 SW Wildfire Season Overview

This report is the tenth in a series of annual Southwest wildfire season overviews available from the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Ecological Restoration Institute. The goal of this overview is to provide a concise summary of the fire season and to facilitate comparisons with past fires and fire seasons. It follows the format …

2020 SW Wildfire Season Overview

by M. Lynch and A. Evans. In 2020, wildfire burned 1,068,373 acres in the Southwest (Arizona and New Mexico), which is greater than the average number of acres burned annually in these two states over the previous ten-year period.” Arizona had significantly more wildfire (929,522 acres) than its ten-year average (305,623 acres), while New Mexico …