Preventing accidental ignitions title part of flyer

Preventing Accidental Ignitions: A Case Study of Developed Shooting Ranges

We are happy to announce the premiere of a new educational video, “Preventing accidental ignitions: A case study of developed shooting ranges” for #NationalPublicLandsDay on September 28, 2024.  Wildfires are accidentally ignited by target shooting each year. While there is no good data on the number of fires started by firearms, land managers recognize the …

Post-Wildfire Recovery Through Principles of Engineering with Nature Cover Photo

The Restoration of Santa Clara Canyon

This is the story of the Santa Clara Creek Watershed that serves as the primary water source, cultural identity, and spiritual sanctuary to the Pueblo of Santa Clara. Since 1998, three large wildfires impacted Santa Clara Creek, resulting in largely denuded slopes, exposed soils gave way, and leading to large-scale catastrophic flooding. In the wake …

Water flowing through the Lower Gila River with scattered trees and bare earth.

Tamarisk Removal along the Lower Gila River – COMING SOON!

Part of the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and AZ Wildfire Initiative‘s  SW Fire Stories wildfire documentary video series, this video raises awareness about wildfire on the Lower Gila River and surrounding communities and the work being done by the Lower Gila River Collaborative to reduce wildfire risk and to inform people about the habitat and importance of restoration on the Lower …

Burning in the Black Range- Using prescribed fire on the Gila National Forest

A brief look at how the Black Range of the Gila National Forest goes about putting down thousands of acres of prescribed fire. See how the District works in a collaborative and productive manner while working within the multiple-use framework to include grazing, wildlife, recreation, and community outreach. Supported by science, the agency looks to keep fire on the landscape. View the YouTube video here.

A game changer: Prescribed fire and Mexican spotted owls

In the fall of 2018, the Coconino National Forest, in partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, conducted prescribed fires in Mexican spotted owl protected activity centers (PACs). This video describes this project. View the YouTube video here

Fire & Archaeology: Working together to protect cultural resources during wildfires and prescribed fires

Land managers are challenged to protect cultural resources within the context of reintroducing fire on the landscape. Positive relationships and partnerships are essential to effective management. View the YouTube video here.

Smoke impacts, air resource advisors and you!

Air Resource Advisors provide a vast array of tools and products to predict and communicate smoke impacts during wildfires. Having a resource solely dedicated to smoke management and effective messaging improves both internal and external communication. View the video here.

High Severity Fire: Response and Uncertainty

Do high severity burns lead to conversion to new forest types or a shift from forests to shrublands or grasslands? How do wildlife respond to changing habitats? And, finally, what do these changes tell us about how these ecosystems will respond to climate change? We visited the sites of the 2000 Pumpkin Fire and 2003 Aspen Fire, and talked to researchers who have been studying how forests and wildlife respond to high severity burns. View the YouTube video here.

World of Wildland Fire – Intro to Wildland Fire Videos

This series of videos serves as an introduction to wildland fire and has been produced through the Wildfire Education & Training Collaborative (WETC). More in-depth videos will be added as they become available. WETC Mission Statement: To develop multiple sources of media, including but not limited to books, videos and classroom exercises, for the purpose …

Keeping Fire on the Ground: Resource Specialist Perspectives on the Kaibab National Forest

The importance of fire in many western ecosystems cannot be overstated. On the Kaibab National Forest, fire provides habitat for wildlife, maintains watersheds, and supports forest health and productivity. Fire also influences a wide range of values, resources, and ecosystem services. On the Kaibab, resource specialists have a strong understanding and appreciation for the benefits of fire, and they work closely with the fire staff to ensure that fire management and resource management are one in the same. View the YouTube video here.