Two photos of the same forest, one prior to treatment and one after thinning treatment

A Long-Term View of Collaborative Forest Management: The 15-Year Southwest Jemez CFLRP Report

In a nutshell: Presenters from the Southwest Jemez Mountains CFLRP will offer lessons gleaned from 15 years of cooperative work about the impact of managed and prescribed fire, forest thinning, and a collaborative approach to land management on landscape resiliency. Date and Time: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 12:00 PM Mountain/11:00 AM Arizona Description: Multi-party …

Image of wildfire refugia

Pre- and Post-Fire Impacts of Beaver Dams and Beaver Dam Analogs

In a nutshell: In a landscape with increasingly frequent severe wildfires, freshwater ecosystems are emerging as an important part of wildfire management. This presentation will touch on the role of beaver dams and their analogs in creating wetlands, the nexus between freshwater systems and fire,  and how this information can be utilized to enact policy …

Two bears foraging in the forest

The Bear Truth: Black Bear Resource Selection and Response to Wildfires and Forest Restoration Treatments

In a nutshell: This presentation will provide valuable insights for managers seeking to reduce wildfire risk while maintaining or enhancing habitat for black bears or sympatric species in fire prone landscapes. Date/Time: Apr 9, 2025 at 10:00AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain Description: An era of fire suppression, compounded by selective harvesting of large diameter trees …

Group of people look into a cloud of smoke

Human Causes and Human Consequences of Wildfires in the Western United States

In a nutshell: Three webinars over three days explore conditions that contribute to wildfire ignitions, how preparation and response need to be tailored to fit the affected community, and how red flag warnings help reduce fire ignitions. Date and time: January 28, 29, & 30, 2025 at 11:00pm AZ/MT Description:Day 1: Interdisciplinary understanding and prediction …

Building Ecosystem Resilience & Adaptive Capacity: Aspen Ecology and Management in the Southwest

In a nutshell: Dr. Connor Crouch presents on three threats facing quaking aspen in the Southwest – climate, pests and disease, and livestock browse – and three management objectives and strategies that can be implemented to improve aspen resilience and adaptive capacity, leaving attendees with actionable suggestions for resource management. Recorded on: Wednesday, January 22, …

A small lizard on the ground next to a tape measure to show scale

Wildlife and Fire: Communication to Improve Wildlife Outcomes

In a nutshell: Panelists present real-world examples and lessons learned on the importance of effective and comprehensive communication within agencies, across functional areas, between organizations, and with members of the public to advance our understanding and improve outcomes for wildlife and habitat during instances of prescribed, intentional, and wildland fire. Recorded on: October 8, 2024 Description: …

Wildlife and Fire Understanding Landscape-Scale Impacts and Conservation Through a Single-Species Lens COVER

Wildlife and Fire: Understanding Landscape-Scale Impacts and Conservation Through a Single-Species Lens

In a nutshell: Panelists present various viewpoints and examples of how landscape-scale management can be understood through investigation of a single species. View the recording for research reviews, case studies, and stories about tribal forestry, jaguars’ adaptability to changing conditions across borders, pollinator survival, bat conservation, and more to advance our understanding of fire and …

Tribal Collaborations and Agreements: The Community Navigators Program (CNP)

This webinar has been cancelled for organizational purposes. We apologize for the change of schedule and inconvenience and hope to see you at the AZ Tribal Fire and Climate Resilience Summit to learn more about this topic Date and time: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:30 PM Mountain Time / 11:30 AM Arizona Presenters: First Nations Development …

Indigenous Policy Series RTRL-2

Working on Ancestral Lands: a primer on Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL)

In a nutshell: This presentation offers information on funding mechanisms, resources for, and how, where, and by whom the Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL) program can be accessed. Watch the recording to hear first-hand accounts of how RTRL is used to implement collaborative fuel management projects on National Forests. Recorded on: August 28, 2024 Description: Ancestral …

TFPA and 638 Authority Webinar Cover Photo

A Primer on Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority

In a nutshell: This presentation offers information on the history and basics and presenter experience with two cross-boundary agreement tools available to Federally Registered Native American Tribes, the Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority. This sets the stage for a workshop on the same topic at the October 2024 Arizona Tribal Fire and Climate …