Dark green forest with ReSHAPE and SWERI logos in print on top.

ReSHAPE: Reshaping wildfire and fuels reduction information

In a nutshell: This presentation will introduce the Treatment and Wildfire Interagency Geodatabase (TWIG), a geodatabase and viewer integrating nationwide federal—and soon state-level—fuel treatment and wildfire data, demonstrating how it differs from other decision support tools and exploring its applications, through research examples, for both advanced statistical analysis and use in direct management decisions. Date/Time: …

Two photos of the same forest, one prior to treatment and one after thinning treatment

A Long-Term View of Collaborative Forest Management: The 15-Year Southwest Jemez CFLRP Report

In a nutshell: Presenters from the Southwest Jemez Mountains CFLRP will offer lessons gleaned from 15 years of cooperative work about the impact of managed and prescribed fire, forest thinning, and a collaborative approach to land management on landscape resiliency. Date and Time: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 12:00 PM Mountain/11:00 AM Arizona Description: Multi-party …

Image of wildfire refugia

Pre- and Post-Fire Impacts of Beaver Dams and Beaver Dam Analogs

In a nutshell: In a landscape with increasingly frequent severe wildfires, freshwater ecosystems are emerging as an important part of wildfire management. This presentation will touch on the role of beaver dams and their analogs in creating wetlands, the nexus between freshwater systems and fire,  and how this information can be utilized to enact policy …

Two bears foraging in the forest

The Bear Truth: Black Bear Resource Selection and Response to Wildfires and Forest Restoration Treatments

In a nutshell: This presentation will provide valuable insights for managers seeking to reduce wildfire risk while maintaining or enhancing habitat for black bears or sympatric species in fire prone landscapes. Date/Time: Apr 9, 2025 at 10:00AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain Description: An era of fire suppression, compounded by selective harvesting of large diameter trees …