
Find recordings of all our webinars on our You Tube Channel @swfirescience.


December 9, 2012: Synthesis of Knowledge of Extreme Fire Behavior for Fire Managers

Presenter: Paul Werth Extreme fire behavior indicates a level of fire behavior characteristics that ordinarily precludes methods of direct control action. One or more of the following is usually involved: high rate of spread, prolific crowning/spotting, presence of fire whirls,…


November 14, 2012: Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Cultural Resources

Presenter: Kevin Ryan This webinar provided an introduction to the new edition of the Rainbow series that provides fire and land management professionals and policy makers with a greater understanding of the value of cultural resource protection and the methods…


October 17, 2012: Economics of Ecological Restoration and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Treatments

Presenter: Yeon-Su Kim (Northern Arizona University) and Diane Vosick (Ecological Restoration Institute) What are the economic values of landscape-level ecological restoration and hazardous fuel treatments?  The Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University (ERI) assembled a team of wildland fire economists…


September 19, 2012: Social Network Analysis

Presenter: Vita Wright (Northern Rockies Fire Science Network) Recent science communication studies of the federal fire management community suggest managers access research via informal information networks, and that these networks vary by both agency and position. We used a phone…


June 22, 2011: Fire history and age structure patterns at landscape scales

Presenter: Jose Iniguez (USFS RMRS) Top-down regional climate patterns result in high spatial fire synchrony among Southwest forests. At landscape scales, however bottom-up (topography) patterns are also important in determining fire history and tree age structure variability. The distinct fire…


May 16, 2012: Wildland Fire Assessment Tool

Presenter: Eva Strand & Josh Hyde (NIFTT University of Idaho) WFAT provides an interface between ArcMap, FlamMap 5, and the First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM), combining their strengths into a spatial fire behavior and fire effects analysis tool in…


February 15, 2011: Effectiveness of post-fire seeding and herbicide treatments to battle cheatgrass in Zion National Park

Presenter: Andrea Thode (Northern Arizona University) Fine fuels from non-native, annual brome grasses have overcome native plants across much of Zion Canyon in Zion National Park. This invasion threatens the single road that provides access into—and escape from—the canyon, creating…


December 14, 2011: Carbon and water balances of southwestern ponderosa pine forests

In this webinar Dr. Thomas Kolb summarized the key findings of a six-year study of impacts of intense fire and fuel-reduction thinning on the carbon and water balances of ponderosa pine forests in Arizona. The results should be of interest…


October 19, 2011: Fuel Treatment Effectiveness on the Wallow Fire

Presenters: Jim Pitts and Judy Palmer (USFS) A small team was assembled to work with the Apache-Sitgreave National Forest and local partners to assess the effects of the fuel treatments and compile a report with the findings. The report “How…


March 18, 2012: Fire Regime Condition Class Mapping Tool

Presenters: Steve Barrett & Jeff Jones (NIFTT University of Idaho) The FRCC Mapping Tool quantifies the departure of vegetation conditions and fire regimes from a set of reference conditions representing the historical range of variation. The tool, which operates from…


March 2010: Ecological Impact of Mastication

Mike Battaglia (USFS RMRS) presented results from the Joint Fire Science Project on the Ecological Impact of Mastication. Mike reported on the impact of mastication on the chemical and physical conditions of the forest floor, vegetation regrowth, and fuel development.…


July 28, 2010: A Synthesis of the Science on Forests and Carbon for U.S. Forests

Dr. Mike Ryan, USDA Forest Service Research Forest Ecologist, presented a scientific synthesis of the forest carbon cycle. The synthesis covers the entire US, but Dr. Ryan focused on the western US for this webinar. Forests play a key role…


April 18, 2012: First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM)

Presenter: Duncan Lutes (RMRS Fire Modeling Institute, Missoula, MT) FOFEM is a computer program for predicting first order fire effects including tree mortality, fuel consumption, smoke production, and soil heating caused by prescribed fire or wildfire. In this webinar you…


March 21, 2012: LANDFIRE Total Fuel Change Tool

Presenters: Tobin Smail & Charley Martin, (US Geological Survey). The LANDFIRE Total Fuel Change Tool (LFTFC) allows users to edit LANDFIRE fuels attributes and associated layers directly with an ArcMap Toolbar. This webinar provides an overview of LFTFC’s capabilities to…


February 15, 2012: LANDFIRE Data Access Tool

Presenters: Chris Toney (US Forest Service, RMRS/LANDFIRE Project) Jeff Jones (RMRS Wildland Fire Management RD&A, Whitefish, MT) The LANDFIRE Data Access Tool (LFDAT) allows users to download LANDFIRE layers from the data distribution site directly into ArcMap. The download extent is…