
Find recordings of all our webinars on our You Tube Channel @swfirescience.


March 12, 2014: Identifying Priority Treatment Areas Across the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests

Presenter: Joe Crouse, Ecological Restoration Institute To address concerns regarding how to prioritize treatments across the forests, the Ecological Restoration Institute received funding from the USDA Forest Service to identify priority treatment areas across the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. In addition,…


February 13, 2014: Restoring Composition and Structure in Southwestern Frequent-Fire Forests: A science-based framework for improving ecosystem resiliency

Presenters: Richard Reynolds, Andrew Sánchez Meador, James Youtz, Tessa Nicolet, Megan Matonis, Patrick Jackson, Donald DeLorenzo, Andrew Graves (based on RMRS-GTR-310) Originally intended as pre-work for “Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop” on February 13, 2014. Watch…


February 11, 2014: What is Climate Change? How will our changing climate impact seasonal weather conditions across the Southwest?

Presenters: Darren McCollum and Robert Bohlin, National Weather Service meteorologists Originally presented February 11, 2014 This webinar was originally intended as pre-work for “Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop,” Read a pdf of their presentation. Watch the…


January 15, 2014: Black Lake Prescribed Burn: Lessons Learned in Building Capacity for Prescribed Fire

Eytan Krasilovsky will share challenges and lessons learned surrounding the Forest Guild’s recent Black Lake Training Exchange. Forest Guild and the New Mexico State Land Office, with support from the Nature Conservancy’s Fire Learning Network, convened a grant funded training…


December 12, 2013: Cooperative Burning and Training Exchanges

Jeremy Bailey, a career firefighter and prescribed fire burn boss, will discuss the Fire Learning Network’s Training Exchange program and how it is being used to train numerous local workforces to advance burning across all lands. In the past seven…


November 25, 2013: The Role of Fire in Shortgrass Rangelands

Presenter: David Augustine, USDA-ARS Landscape Ecologist In this webinar, we will discuss research on the role and use of prescribed fire in the western Great Plains, focusing on studies conducted in the shortgrass steppe of Colorado over the past decade.…


November 12, 2013: Fire Legacy’s role in current and future fire management in the Southwestern U.S.

Presenter: Tessa Nicolet, USFS Region 3 Fire Ecologist The southwestern United States encompasses many ecosystems with intimate and inseparable relationships with fire. It is well accepted that fire plays an integral role in the ecology and maintenance of many forest…


September 25, 2013: How will climate change and treatments affect future forests? Testing alternatives with the Climate-FVS model

Presenter: Pete Fulè, Professor, Northern Arizona University Under current conditions, large, severe wildfires are a fact of life in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. What will burned systems look like over the coming decades under warming climate? Do management treatments make…


August 21, 2013: Effects of fuel treatments on wildfire severity

Presenters: Charlotte Reemts, an Ecologist for the Nature Conservancy and Helen Poulos, Wesleyan University Charlotte and Helen teamed up to present this webinar that connected science and management of fire in the Davis Mountains of west Texas. Three wildfires burned through…


June 19, 2013: Effects of Wildland Fire on Lowland Leopard Frogs and their Habitat at Saguaro National Park

Presenter: Don Swann, Saguaro National Park Don Swann is a biologist at Saguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona, where he has worked for more than 20 years. He has an MS in Wildlife and Fisheries from University of Arizona. Don’s projects…


May 15, 2013: The Structure of Fire Size Distributions: A Broad View of Interacting Gradients in Wilderness Management, Spatial Climate, and Topography in Three Western Regions

Presenter: Sandra Haire, Haire Laboratory for Landscape Ecology Determining the effects of land management on fire regime characteristics is complicated by the interaction of several factors that vary in space and time. First, fire size and frequency are linked to…


April 25, 2013: Impacts of fire hazard assessment and fuel reduction priorities on mega-fire outcomes: A hypothetical test using the Wallow Fire in Arizona

Presenter: Amy Waltz, Program Director of Science Delivery, Ecological Restoration Institute Uncharacteristically large and severe wildfires, or mega-fires, are occurring with increasing frequency over the last decades in the western United States. The 2011 Wallow Fire, a 538,049-acre (217,740-hectare) fire…


March 27, 2013: The Fire Season Outlook for 2013 and How It’s Built

Presenter: Chuck Maxwell, Fire Meteorologist, Southwest Coordination Center, Predictive Services Chuck Maxwell will discuss how Predictive Services develops seasonal fire potential predictions and what the outlook is this year for the Southwest.  Join this webinar to get an inside view…


February 19, 2013: Implementing the Mexican spotted owl revised recovery plan: Conducting fire management in owl habitat

Presenters: Bill Block (USFS RMRS) and Shaula Hedwall (USFWS) The Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Plan, First Revision, was released on December 17, 2012.  The Recovery Team used the best available science to delineate actions we think are required to recover…


January 16, 2013: Temperature as a driver of regional forest drought stress and tree mortality

Presenter: Park Williams, Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr. Williams will discuss his recent work to derive a forest drought-stress index (FDSI) for the southwestern United States using a comprehensive tree-ring data set representing AD 1000–2007. This FDSI is linked to…