SWFSC partnered with Conservation and Adaptation Resource Toolbox (CART) as part of our SW Fire Climate Adaptation Partnership to produce a series of case studies related to wildfire. Learn more about CART and access their full library of case studies on many topics here.

Fire Management
- The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Project in the San Juan National Forest
- Buffelgrass Removal, Fire, and Climate Adaptation at Saguaro National Park
- Fire Management Practices in the Saguaro Wilderness and Gila-Aldo Leopold Wilderness Complex
- Forest Mayordomos: A Collaborative Management Strategies
- Forest Thinning to Restore Fire Resilience at Lassen Volcanic National Park
- Goats as a Tool for Fire Management on the Pueblo of Sandia
- Nature Based Solutions for Community-Level Preparedness to Wildfire
- Novel Approaches to Fuel Breaks and Invasive Species Management in the Sonoran Desert
- Prescribed Burns for Grassland Management at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
- Thinning, Prescribed Fire, and Managing Wildfire for Resource Benefit Reduce Severity of the Midnight Fire
Photo: Oak Creek Park View of Camp Fire Burns (Sunny Quigley/PRPD)
Actionable Science
- Climate Change and Management Effect on Water Yield from Ponderosa Forests
- Determining Prescribed Fire Compatibility with Masked Bobwhite Quail Habitat Rehabilitation
- Measuring the Effects of Fire Severity on Forest Resilience in the Santa Catalina Mountains
- Modeling Forest Thinning Effects on Water Yield for the Four Forest Restoration Initiative
- Remote Sensing to Quantify Woodland Canopy Cover on the San Carlos Apache Reservation
- Spring Ecosystems Monitoring for the Four Forest Restoration Initiative
Photo: Mountain Sheep Spring (Arizona/SSI)

Collaboration and Community Engagement
Photo: Crews Discussing Logistics (National Forest Foundation)
- Brush Treatment for Grassland Restoration as Part of an Adaptive Management Framework in the Cienega Creek Watershed
- Post-Fire Watershed Restoration and Monitoring in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona
- Rangeland Restoration Following the Martin Fire in Reno Nevada
Photo: Mechanical Brush Treatments (JJ Swift)

Funding Strategies
Photo: City-Owned Thinning Areas Below the San Francisco Peaks (Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project)