Fact Sheets

Quick reference guides to wildfire science and southwestern fire stories.

Bark Beetles and Restoration Treatments

Bark Beetles and Restoration Treatments

Although bark beetles are a natural part of the ponderosa pine forest ecosystem, it has been the insect most often associated with widespread tree mortality. Therefore, land managers charged with forest restoration use prescribed fire and thinning treatments to promote healthy and resilient stands. Read more!

Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests

Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests

SWFSC Working Paper 35 by Tyson L. Swetnam and Donald A. Falk. September 2015 Read the Paper Read a Fact Sheet summary of the paper below. Fact Sheet published October 2015 by Tyson L. Swetnam and Donald A. Falk Carbon Cycling in Southwestern Forests Fact Sheet click to access as pdf


Estimating Surface Live Fuel Loading

View fact sheet. Written by Dr. Molly Hunter, February 2011