Fire Moss Factsheet

Fire Moss Factsheet 2020 Factsheet on Fire Moss: natural colonization and post-fire rehabilitation trials

Weather File (.WTR) Information Sheet

Weather File (.WTR) Information Sheet The Weather (.WTR) File is a ASCII text file required for any FARSITE simulation. A Weather (.WTR) File contains daily observations on temperature and humidity as well as precipitation that depicts a temporal weather stream. The weather stream greatly oversimplifies actual variation in weather. However, this format is an attempt …

April 2, 2015: Tamarisk invasion and fire in Southwestern desert ecosystems

Presenter: Gail Drus, St. Francis University Increased wildfire has been observed with the displacement of native cottonwood-willow (Salix and Populus spp.) gallery forests by invasive, non-native tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in desert riparian zones of North America. Greater post-fire recovery of Tamarix relative to native species suggests a Tamarix fire trajectory where repeated fire excludes native …

Full-Cost Accounting of the 2010 Schultz Fire

Presenter: Dr. Melanie Colavito, Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University; Dr. Catrin Edgeley, Northern Arizona University; and Dr. Evan Hjerpe, Conservation Economics InstituteDate: December 7, 2021 12pm Mountain Time The 2010 Schultz Fire was ignited by an abandoned campfire on June 20 and burned 15,075 acres northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona. Following the fire, intense monsoon …

Wildfire, Fish, & Water Resources in the Western US

Presenter: Dr. Patrick Belmont, Utah State UniversityDate: February 15, 2022 12pm Mountain Wildfire has increased 20-fold in the last 30 years in the Western U.S., partly due to climate change and partly due to forest and fire management practices. At the same time, many water resources are drying up. And fish populations throughout the western …

Restoration Treatments: Reducing Fuels and Increasing Understory Diversity

Presenters: Mike Stoddard, Ecological Restoration Institute and Matt Tuten, USDA Forest ServiceDate: Thursday April 15, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT This webinar will share research on forest structure and understory vegetation responses to three restoration treatments (thin/burn, burn, and control) over 10 years on a mixed-conifer site in southwestern Colorado. Forest density, canopy cover, and crown …