Wildfire, Human Health, and Environmental Justice

Presenters: Savannah D’Evelyn, Postdoctoral Fellow with the University of Washington, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences and Ed Smith, Terrestrial forest Ecologist with The Nature Conservancy’s California Program. Date: July 19, 2022 11am AZ / 12pm MDT Increasing wildfire size and severity across the western United States has created an environmental and social crisis …

Managing Wildfire: Blazing the Trail in the Southwest

Recent changes in federal fire management policy have given fire managers increased flexibility to manage wildfires for multiple objectives. Fire managers can allow one flank of a fire to continue burning through remote backcountry, while actively suppressing another flank that threatens homes, infrastructure, or other values. Fire managers across the Southwest discuss the benefits of …

Telegraph Fire-10 months Post-Fire

We hosted a single day field trip that made four stops within the 2021 Telegraph Fire perimeter. The Telegraph Fire, human caused and still under investigation, started 1.5 miles southeast of Superior, Arizona on June 4, 2021 and burned 180,757 acres before being fully contained approximately one month later. The fire was primarily carried by …

Repeat Photography and Post-Fire Ecosystem Change in SE Arizona

Date: October 26, 2021 1pm AZ/2pm MDTPresenters: Jim Malusa, University of Arizona, with an introduction by Don Falk, University of Arizona While making a vegetation map of the Chiricahua Mts in 2010, I took georeferenced photos and notes on the canopy cover of dominant species, in ecosystems ranging from grassland to spruce-fir.  The next year, …