September 26, 2018: Use and benefits of NASA’s RECOVER for post-fire decision support

Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenters: William Toombs and Keith Weber, GIS Training and Research Center, Idaho State University Today’s extended fire seasons and large fire footprints have prompted state and federal land-management agencies to devote increasingly large portions of their budgets to wildfire management. As fire costs continue to rise, timely and comprehensive …

January 18, 2012: Hydrologic Impacts of High Severity Wildfire: Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future

Presenter: Dan Neary (USFS RMRS) Fires are increasing in size, frequency, and severity. Simultaneously, development continues in the wildland-urban interface and the number of people living in or visiting forest areas is growing. Understanding the post-fire hydrologic response of watersheds as observed on the Schultz Fire of 2010, is paramount for effective risk management and …

November 27-29, 2018: Working together- Fire managers & archaeologists

Thank you to all who attended for helping us make this workshop a success! November 27th consisted of a one-day workshop on fire effects to archaeological resources November 28-29th was an interactive workshop and covered the following topics: Importance of fire on the landscape and the importance of protecting cultural resources within that context How …

Initial Fuel Moistures File (.FMS) Information Sheet

Initial Fuel Moistures File (.FMS) Information Sheet Initial Fuel Moistures File (.FMS) The Initial Fuel Moistures (.FMS) File is a ASCII text file required for any FARSITE or FlamMap simulation. Custom Fuel Model (.FMD) Files are interchangeable between the two applications. By Mary Lata, 2012

Preventing Accidental Ignitions: A Case Study of Developed Shooting Ranges

We are happy to announce the premiere of a new educational video, “Preventing accidental ignitions: A case study of developed shooting ranges” for #NationalPublicLandsDay on September 28, 2024.  Wildfires are accidentally ignited by target shooting each year. While there is no good data on the number of fires started by firearms, land managers recognize the …

Silver Fire smoke

November 2014: Wildland Fire Smoke in the Air- What does it mean to me?

Thank you to all those who attended, making it a successful workshop! Due to videographer limitations, we were not able to record all of the presentations during concurrent sessions. November 6-8, 2014 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Program available here Click here to watch the associated webinar: “Smoke Forecasting Tools: A Case Study in Air Quality” …

Black Lake TREX

Black Lake TREX Southwest Fire Science Consortium Webinar Series Black Lake Prescribed Burn: Lessons Learned in Capacity Building for Prescribed Fire Photo: Mark Meyers January 15, 2014 Presentation by Eytan Krasilovsky, Forest Guild