Policy & Managed Fire

Description: The topic of “managed wildfire” is mired in complexity, starting with what to call it. This fire management approach has been known as “prescribed natural fire,” “wildland fire use,” “resource objective fire,” and more. All names refer to the same essential idea: leveraging natural ignitions to safely reintroduce wildfire to landscapes that evolved with it …

Fires of Change March 6, 2019

Fires of Change March 6, 2019 Fires of Change: Communicating Fire Science through Art The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is successfully bringing together fire managers, practitioners, and scientists to assure the best science is used to address the most pressing fire management challenges. One way they are meeting this challenge is by communicating fire science …

August 27, 2014: A panel perspective on regeneration in Southwest pine forests after high severity wildfire

Panelists: Pete Fulé – Northern Arizona University, Collin Haffey – USGS Jemez Field Station, José Iniguez and Suzanne Owen – USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Jim Youtz – USFS Southwestern Region, Joy Mast – Carthage College The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is hosting a panel discussion on regeneration of pine forests after high severity wildfires. …