October 17, 2012: Economics of Ecological Restoration and Hazardous Fuel Reduction Treatments

Presenter: Yeon-Su Kim (Northern Arizona University) and Diane Vosick (Ecological Restoration Institute) What are the economic values of landscape-level ecological restoration and hazardous fuel treatments?  The Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University (ERI) assembled a team of wildland fire economists to conduct a rapid evidence-based assessment, as well as to design a timely and efficient …

Sonoran desert post-fire with charred saguaro

Sonoran Fuel Breaks Field Trip – February 2024

This field trip will delve into the critical issues of wildfire risk and invasive species management in the Sonoran Desert near Phoenix, AZ. We will hear from public, state, and private land managers who have been conducting wildfire operations, prescribed burns, thinning, and invasive plant removal to protect the Sonoran Desert. Field Trip Objectives: Who …

Southwest Vegetation Type Conversion: A workshop summary

by Rachel M. Gregg, EcoAdapt, and Laura A. Marshall, University of Arizona Increasingly common large and severe fires in the Southwest are now often followed by vegetation type conversions (VTC) where once-dominant vegetation fails to return to its pre-fire state. Case studies have documented abrupt transitions from forests to shrublands or from shrublands to grasslands. …

March 18, 2012: Fire Regime Condition Class Mapping Tool

Presenters: Steve Barrett & Jeff Jones (NIFTT University of Idaho) The FRCC Mapping Tool quantifies the departure of vegetation conditions and fire regimes from a set of reference conditions representing the historical range of variation. The tool, which operates from an ArcGIS platform, derives several metrics of departure (e.g., vegetation composition and structure, fire severity, …

November 1, 2016: Is science used to inform fire management and policy decisions?

Date: November 1, 2016 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenter: Molly Hunter, University of Arizona This webinar will include recent science findings and a case study. Dr. Molly Hunter will present results from an assessment of outcomes from research projects funded by the Joint Fire Science Program to determine whether or not science has been used to inform …

Fire Science and Management in an Uncertain Future

Tuesday 1 December 2020, 9:00 am to 12:45 pm PST; Virtual format (Zoom) Key Purpose Identify fire science and management needs and discuss tools and approaches to natural resource assessments and adaptation strategies for fire dynamics in future climates in Southwest (DOI Regions 8 & 10 [CA, NV, AZ]) bioregions. Take-Aways This four-hour, virtual Summit …

March 2012: FRCC Workshop – (Albuquerque, NM and Flagstaff, AZ)

Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) assessments have been widely used for evaluating ecosystem status in many areas of the U.S. FRCC employs state-and-transition modeling to describe historical vegetation and fire regimes, which provides reference information related to landscape fire frequency, severity, and vegetation composition. Similarity indexing is used to compare historical versus current vegetation and …

Megan Poling research

August 24, 2016: Increasing trends in high severity fire in the southwestern USA from 1984-2013

Presenter: Megan Poling, PhD Student, Northern Arizona University In the last three decades nearly 5 million hectares have burned in all vegetation types in the Southwest and the largest fires in documented history have occurred in the past two decades. However, trends in severity, or how fires are burning have not been well documented in forest …

COVID-19 and Wildfire Lessons Learned

Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 12-1:30pm MDT/11am-12:30pm AZ Presenters: Listed below As COVID-19 cases and wildland fire activity increase across the country, wildland fire personnel are looking for ways to quickly identify cases and prevent the spread of the disease on the fireline. The Southwest Fire Consortium hosted a webinar sharing information about the …

Smoke Management and You

Smoke Management and You PowerPoint presentation by Caludia Standish of the BLM Overview: basic understanding of smoke impacts, NM Smoke Management Program, show tools we use to inform YOU about smoke January 2014