Return Model Webinar Cover Photo

The REBURN Model: Simulating forest and fuel succession and disturbance dynamics of large landscapes

In a nutshell: This webinar discusses REBURN, a geospatial modeling framework designed to simulate reburn dynamics over large areas and long-time frames to investigate the impact of multiple fires in the same area. Recorded on: January 17, 2024 Presenters: Dr. Susan Prichard, University of Washington and Dr. Paul Hessburg, USDA-FS Pacific NW Research Station Description: …

Review of Economic Benefits from Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Fire Prone Forests of the Southwestern United States

Review of Economic Benefits from Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Fire Prone Forests of the Southwestern United States Authors: Benjamin Bagdon and Ching-Hsun Huang, Northern Arizona University Date: 2016 Wildfire suppression expenditures sharply increased from $528.5 million in 1985 (in 2015 dollars) to $2.1 billion in 2015 while the size of area burned has more …

May 16, 2012: Wildland Fire Assessment Tool

Presenter: Eva Strand & Josh Hyde (NIFTT University of Idaho) WFAT provides an interface between ArcMap, FlamMap 5, and the First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM), combining their strengths into a spatial fire behavior and fire effects analysis tool in GIS. In the webinar, you will learn how to use WFAT to locate potential fuel …

April 2, 2015: Tamarisk invasion and fire in Southwestern desert ecosystems

Presenter: Gail Drus, St. Francis University Increased wildfire has been observed with the displacement of native cottonwood-willow (Salix and Populus spp.) gallery forests by invasive, non-native tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in desert riparian zones of North America. Greater post-fire recovery of Tamarix relative to native species suggests a Tamarix fire trajectory where repeated fire excludes native …

November 14, 2017: Where there’s smoke… there’s social science! Public perceptions of smoke & communication from multiple regions

Date: November 14, 2017 12pm Mountain Presenters: Stacey Frederick, Coordinator, California Fire Science Consortium The importance of smoke has been well-observed by managers through frequent concerns expressed over smoke. Public perceptions of fuel reduction techniques, with a particular emphasis on using prescribed fire as a management tool, have been under study for almost a decade. However, research …

Oct 9, 2019: Southwest LANDFIRE update (LF GeoArea: NV, UT, AZ, NM, CO, CA)

Presenters: Jim Smith and Kori Blankenship, The Nature Conservancy Date: October 9, 2019 12pm This webinar will focus on LANDFIRE Remap products in LF’s Southwest GeoArea: Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, and sections of New Mexico, Colorado, and California. Presenters Jim Smith and Kori Blankenship of The Nature Conservancy’s LF team will review improvements to LF’s newest product offerings …

October 19, 2011: Fuel Treatment Effectiveness on the Wallow Fire

Presenters: Jim Pitts and Judy Palmer (USFS) A small team was assembled to work with the Apache-Sitgreave National Forest and local partners to assess the effects of the fuel treatments and compile a report with the findings. The report “How Fuel Treatments Saved Homes from the 2011 Wallow Fire” was the product of this effort. …

October 5, 2016: Developing & maintaining trust in collaborative forest projects

Presenter: Kimberly Coleman, University of Vermont Date: October 5, 2016 This webinar will describe qualitative, case study research that investigated four projects in the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) to understand how varying organizational structures impacted collaboration.  I selected the four case studies to represent the range of organizational structure present through the CFLRP.  …

August 27, 2014: A panel perspective on regeneration in Southwest pine forests after high severity wildfire

Panelists: Pete Fulé – Northern Arizona University, Collin Haffey – USGS Jemez Field Station, José Iniguez and Suzanne Owen – USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Jim Youtz – USFS Southwestern Region, Joy Mast – Carthage College The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is hosting a panel discussion on regeneration of pine forests after high severity wildfires. …

April 16, 2014: The southwest fire season: 2013 overview and 2014 outlook

Presenters: Zander Evans (Forest Guild) and Chuck Maxwell (Predictive Services) This webinar provided an overview of the eight largest fires in the Southwest during 2013 based on the recent report from ERI and SWFSC. The webinar included summaries of forest types and burn severities for each of the eight fires. In addition, Chuck Maxwell, meteorologist …