Postfire Management in Frequent-Fire Conifer Forests

Presenter: Dr. Jens T. Stevens, National Program Lead for the Wildland Fire and Fuels Research, USDA Forest ServiceDate: January 19, 2022 12pm Mountain Standard Time The increasing incidence of large wildfires with extensive stand-replacing effects across the southwestern United States is altering the contemporary forest management template within historically frequent-fire conifer forests. While management of …

Whitewater Baldy Fire Factsheet

Whitewater Baldy Fire Factsheet Written by Jose Iniguez November 2012 If you attended the AFE conference last March and went on the Los Conchas field trip you may remember hearing that managers in the Jemez Mountains were actually expecting another big fire year in 2012. This was because the fire-scar fire history records contained a …

February 14, 2018: Fire severity and regeneration strategy influence shrub patch size and structure

Date: February 14, 2018 Presenter: Jesse Minor, Adjunct Instructor, University of Arizona Shrub species demonstrate flexible responses to wildfire disturbance severity that are reflected in shrub patch dynamics at small and intermediate scales. Prior research has examined the dynamics and persistence of large shrub patches on the landscape; our work focuses on individuals or groups of individual …

March 12, 2014: Identifying Priority Treatment Areas Across the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests

Presenter: Joe Crouse, Ecological Restoration Institute To address concerns regarding how to prioritize treatments across the forests, the Ecological Restoration Institute received funding from the USDA Forest Service to identify priority treatment areas across the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests. In addition, Forest Service personnel stated a need to identify areas within the Wallow Fire perimeter that …

Repeat Photography and Post-Fire Ecosystem Change in SE Arizona

Date: October 26, 2021 1pm AZ/2pm MDTPresenters: Jim Malusa, University of Arizona, with an introduction by Don Falk, University of Arizona While making a vegetation map of the Chiricahua Mts in 2010, I took georeferenced photos and notes on the canopy cover of dominant species, in ecosystems ranging from grassland to spruce-fir.  The next year, …

Hunter Tribal Consultation November 27, 2018

Hunter Tribal Consultation November 27, 2018 Bureau of Indian Affairs Mescalero Agency presentation on Tribal Consultation by Melvin Hunter Jr. Supervisory Forester on November 27, 2018

February 11, 2014: What is Climate Change? How will our changing climate impact seasonal weather conditions across the Southwest?

Presenters: Darren McCollum and Robert Bohlin, National Weather Service meteorologists Originally presented February 11, 2014 This webinar was originally intended as pre-work for “Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop,” Read a pdf of their presentation. Watch the webinar recording.

December 6, 2017: Federal fire managers’ perceptions of the importance, scarcity & substitutability of suppression resources

Date: December 6, 2017 12pm Mountain Presenters: Crystal Stonesifer, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Human Dimensions A frequent prerequisite for meeting fire management objectives is the availability of key suppression resources, prepositioned for timely response. In the United States, multi-jurisdictional fire suppression demand is met by a national-scale pool of suppression resources that come from …

Tool for Understanding Human-Nature Relationships for Wildland Fire Management

Presenter: Chris Armatas, Research Social Scientist, Forest Service & Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research InstituteDate: September 23, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT Wildland fire is a phenomenon that impacts people and communities from the local to the national scale. These impacts are generally entwined with the human and ecological meanings and services that people derive from public …

Fire in the Southwest Series, Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to our third episode of our Fire in the Southwest series! In this episode, we spoke with Jon Martin, who is the Director of Native American Forest and Rangeland Management Programming at the Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University. Jon spent three decades working in forestry before retiring, and now uses his extensive …