January 16, 2013: Temperature as a driver of regional forest drought stress and tree mortality

Presenter: Park Williams, Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr. Williams will discuss his recent work to derive a forest drought-stress index (FDSI) for the southwestern United States using a comprehensive tree-ring data set representing AD 1000–2007. This FDSI is linked to measures of forest productivity, mortality, bark-beetle outbreak and wildfire. If climate models are accurate, the …

Smoke impacts, air resource advisors and you!

Air Resource Advisors provide a vast array of tools and products to predict and communicate smoke impacts during wildfires. Having a resource solely dedicated to smoke management and effective messaging improves both internal and external communication. View the video here.

March 30-April 1, 2017: New Mexico WUI Summit- Albuquerque, NM

Date: March 30-April 1, 2017 Location: Sheraton Airport Hotel The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Summit is a statewide traveling conference that is organized by representatives from state and federal agencies and local non-profits. The WUI Summit focuses on topics that teach local leaders, emergency responders, businesses, and citizens the science behind forest fires and what each player’s …

The 2014 San Juan Fire: Fuel Treatments and Fire Management

The San Juan fire ignited on June 26, 2014 on the White Mountain Apache Reservation and quickly entered the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. The fire was wind-driven for the first few days, and fire behavior was influenced by extremely dry fuel conditions related to long-term drought. However, as the fire moved to the southwest it encountered …

Land Use Planning as a Strategy for Fire Adapted Communities

Presenter: Molly Mowery, AICP, Executive Director, Community Wildfire Planning CenterDate: August 26, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT As communities across the U.S. face increasing threats from wildfire, there is also a growing interest in land use planning as a strategy to reduce risk and foster more resilient outcomes. Land use planning provides a variety of tools, …

March 2012: FRCC Workshop – (Albuquerque, NM and Flagstaff, AZ)

Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) assessments have been widely used for evaluating ecosystem status in many areas of the U.S. FRCC employs state-and-transition modeling to describe historical vegetation and fire regimes, which provides reference information related to landscape fire frequency, severity, and vegetation composition. Similarity indexing is used to compare historical versus current vegetation and …

Outdoor Recreation & Wildfire

Date: May 10, 2022 11am AZ/12pm MDTPresenter: Adam Benefield, CTC Technology and Energy Federally owned public lands, originally designated to properly manage natural resources, are prone to wildfire in the southern Rocky Mountains, a risk which has increased as a result of environmental conditions and historical land management. Outdoor recreation has become increasingly prevalent since …