ERI Working Paper 40 Wildfire Smoke

ERI Working Paper 40 Wildfire Smoke Ecological Restoration Institute Working Paper 40 Resources for Predicting and Mitigating Smoke Impacts of Wildland Fires August 2018

World of Wildland Fire – Intro to Wildland Fire Videos

This series of videos serves as an introduction to wildland fire and has been produced through the Wildfire Education & Training Collaborative (WETC). More in-depth videos will be added as they become available. WETC Mission Statement: To develop multiple sources of media, including but not limited to books, videos and classroom exercises, for the purpose …

January 15, 2014: Black Lake Prescribed Burn: Lessons Learned in Building Capacity for Prescribed Fire

Eytan Krasilovsky will share challenges and lessons learned surrounding the Forest Guild’s recent Black Lake Training Exchange. Forest Guild and the New Mexico State Land Office, with support from the Nature Conservancy’s Fire Learning Network, convened a grant funded training exchange to burn 900 acres of state trust lands in a wildland-urban interface in northern …

summit banner

March 2016: New Mexico WUI Summit, Re-energize community response

This ​year’s ​theme ​is ​”Re-energize ​Community ​Fire ​Response”. ​Just ​because ​the ​threat ​of ​fire ​is ​not ​immediate, ​does ​not ​mean ​the ​threat ​is ​removed. ​All ​hands ​from ​all ​lands ​can ​join ​together ​to ​learn ​what ​role ​to ​take ​to ​keep ​fire ​threats ​at ​bay. ​Each ​day ​of ​the ​conference ​will ​ ​target ​specific ​audiences ​to ​highlight ​responsibilities ​that ​keeps ​fire ​response ​efficient ​before, ​during, ​and ​after ​disaster ​strikes.

Map of the Western US showing places that contribute most to air quality emissions

Prescribed Burns as a Tool to Mitigate Future Wildfire Smoke Exposure

In a nutshell: Can prescribed fire reduce future smoke impacts? Research on how targeted prescribed burn treatments in heavily forested Western states may have an outsized impact on improving air quality for the entire western U.S. by reducing the likelihood of future wildfire smoke. Description: Catastrophic wildfires in the western United States pose significant risks …

urban fire danger

March 2016: Arizona WUI Summit and Firewise Conference

This 2-day summit equipped the homeowner as well as fire departments and firefighters with information and actions they can take to reduce loss and increase safety in their community. Topics included fire ecology, hazard fuel reduction grants, insurance issues, risk assessments, Fire Adapted Communities, Ready, Set, Go!, Firewise principles, emergency management, forest health, and various programs …

A post-fire ponderosa pine seedling

February 2014: Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop

Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop Ecosystems and fire regimes are moving into new domains as a consequence of climate change, disturbance, and other causes. Fire professionals and land managers in the region are confronted with new fire regimes, fire effects, and ecosystem recovery trajectories following disturbance. To help fire and ecosystem …

Southwest Vegetation Type Conversion: A workshop summary

by Rachel M. Gregg, EcoAdapt, and Laura A. Marshall, University of Arizona Increasingly common large and severe fires in the Southwest are now often followed by vegetation type conversions (VTC) where once-dominant vegetation fails to return to its pre-fire state. Case studies have documented abrupt transitions from forests to shrublands or from shrublands to grasslands. …

August 31, 2017: The East Jemez Landscape Futures Project

Date: August 31, 2017 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: Collin Haffey, USGS Jemez Mountains Field Station The East Jemez Landscape Futures (EJLF) project is a collaborative process that aims to develop a holistic and forward-looking approach to managing areas of the eastern Jemez Mountains severely altered by drought, high severity fire, and post-fire flooding. To engage a diversity …

June 14, 2017: Recovery & adaptation after wildfire across the United States, 2009-2011

Date: June 14, 2017 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: Miranda H. Mockrin, USFS Northern Research Station Becoming a fire-adapted community that can live with wildfire is envisioned as a continuous, iterative process of adaptation. In eight case study sites across the United States we examined how destructive wildfire affected altered progress towards becoming fire-adapted, focusing on the …