COVID-19 and Wildfire Lessons Learned

Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 12-1:30pm MDT/11am-12:30pm AZ Presenters: Listed below As COVID-19 cases and wildland fire activity increase across the country, wildland fire personnel are looking for ways to quickly identify cases and prevent the spread of the disease on the fireline. The Southwest Fire Consortium hosted a webinar sharing information about the …

March 2012: FRCC Workshop – (Albuquerque, NM and Flagstaff, AZ)

Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) assessments have been widely used for evaluating ecosystem status in many areas of the U.S. FRCC employs state-and-transition modeling to describe historical vegetation and fire regimes, which provides reference information related to landscape fire frequency, severity, and vegetation composition. Similarity indexing is used to compare historical versus current vegetation and …

Megan Poling research

August 24, 2016: Increasing trends in high severity fire in the southwestern USA from 1984-2013

Presenter: Megan Poling, PhD Student, Northern Arizona University In the last three decades nearly 5 million hectares have burned in all vegetation types in the Southwest and the largest fires in documented history have occurred in the past two decades. However, trends in severity, or how fires are burning have not been well documented in forest …

Extreme Fire

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY Cally and Collin talk with experts on extreme fire behavior. We learn it is more complex than it seems and the exact definition is hard to pin down. EPISODE NOTES Discussion on extreme fire. How can we prepare for it? How might it change in the future? How …

Smoke Management and You

Smoke Management and You PowerPoint presentation by Caludia Standish of the BLM Overview: basic understanding of smoke impacts, NM Smoke Management Program, show tools we use to inform YOU about smoke January 2014

May 16, 2012: Wildland Fire Assessment Tool

Presenter: Eva Strand & Josh Hyde (NIFTT University of Idaho) WFAT provides an interface between ArcMap, FlamMap 5, and the First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM), combining their strengths into a spatial fire behavior and fire effects analysis tool in GIS. In the webinar, you will learn how to use WFAT to locate potential fuel …

December 14, 2011: Carbon and water balances of southwestern ponderosa pine forests

In this webinar Dr. Thomas Kolb summarized the key findings of a six-year study of impacts of intense fire and fuel-reduction thinning on the carbon and water balances of ponderosa pine forests in Arizona. The results should be of interest to fire and forest managers and climate change scientists who want more information about impacts …