May 22, 2019: Do trends in climate influence the increase in high-severity wildfire in the southwestern US from 1984 to 2015?

Presenter: Stephanie Mueller, Northern Arizona University Date: May 22, 2019 12pm Mountain Daylight Time (11am AZ time) Over the last 30 years, in woodland and forested ecosystems across the southwestern US, there has been an increasing trend in fire activity. Altered land use practices and more recent changes in precipitation patterns and warmer temperatures are …

Policy & Managed Fire

Description: The topic of “managed wildfire” is mired in complexity, starting with what to call it. This fire management approach has been known as “prescribed natural fire,” “wildland fire use,” “resource objective fire,” and more. All names refer to the same essential idea: leveraging natural ignitions to safely reintroduce wildfire to landscapes that evolved with it …

October 10, 2018: Modeling and mapping the potential for high severity fire in the western U.S.

Presenter: Sean Parks, Research Ecologist, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, Rocky Mountain Research Station, US Forest Service Date: October 10, 2018 11am AZ/12pm MDT The ecological effects of wildland fire – also termed the fire severity – are often highly heterogeneous in space and time. This heterogeneity is a result of spatial variability in factors …

Vegetation Type Conversion Workshop Summary

Vegetation Type Conversion Workshop Summary 2020 Workshop: Vegetation type conversion in the Southwest: A workshop summary Authors: Rachel M. Gregg (EcoAdapt) and Laura A. Marshall (University of Arizona)

Hanson on Incident Command

Hanson on Incident Command Hanson presentation and guide for order of command for incident management and list of qualifications for positions.

BehavePlus Updates V6 Changes

BehavePlus Updates V6 Changes BehavePlus version 6.0.0 Beta Summary of Updates 9 May 2018 BehavePlus version 6 is now out for Beta release and can be downloaded from the BehavePlus website. For questions and comments, contact Faith Ann Heinsch,, 406-829-7342. News • The website for BehavePlus has changed. You can view all information at …

Other Resources

Other Resources JFSP Regional Knowledge Exchange Consortia Searchable Database Smoke Science Plan Core Fire Science Bibilography (you will need to download Zotero to access the bibliography) Instructions for Zotero can be downloaded here Training/Knowledge Resources/Opportunities National Advanced Fire & Resource Institute (NAFRI) Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide from NWCG Arizona Prescribed Fire Council New Mexico …