June 19, 2013: Effects of Wildland Fire on Lowland Leopard Frogs and their Habitat at Saguaro National Park

Presenter: Don Swann, Saguaro National Park Don Swann is a biologist at Saguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona, where he has worked for more than 20 years. He has an MS in Wildlife and Fisheries from University of Arizona. Don’s projects include collaborative research and long-term monitoring of saguaros, desert tortoises, mammals using wildlife cameras, and …

December 12, 2018: Use of small unmanned aircraft on wildfire incidents

Presenter: Mike Fontenot, Sky Fire Services & Fairmount Fire PD Date: December 12, 2018 12pm Mountain Unmanned Aircraft, commonly called “Drones,” are being used more and more for public safety, research, etc. Falling prices, rising capabilities, and a favorable regulatory framework are all fueling this growth. Let’s look at actual, real-world, Wildfire missions where these aircraft are …

Buffelgrass: Southern Arizona Fights Back

Buffelgrass: Southern Arizona Fights Back Article on Buffelgrass written by Josh McDaniel, June 2012. The ecological and economic threat that buffelgrass poses to the community of Tucson and the surrounding area has sparked an unprecedented level of cooperation among land managers, nonprofits, government at all levels, and representatives from the business community. The Southern Arizona …

February 19, 2013: Implementing the Mexican spotted owl revised recovery plan: Conducting fire management in owl habitat

Presenters: Bill Block (USFS RMRS) and Shaula Hedwall (USFWS) The Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Plan, First Revision, was released on December 17, 2012.  The Recovery Team used the best available science to delineate actions we think are required to recover and protect the owl.  This Recovery Plan presents realistic and attainable goals for recovering the …