Shortgrass Webinar Information Flyer

Shortgrass Webinar Information Flyer Webinar: The Role of Fire in Shortgrass Rangelands Presenter: David Augustine, Landscape Ecologist, USDA-ARS November 2013

Post-fire Logistics Factsheet

Post-fire Logistics Factsheet Fact Sheet on Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) logistics in the Southwestern US Published date unknown, some time between 2018-2021.

SWFSC Introduction

SWFSC Introduction PowerPoint presentation by Andi Thode on the SWFSC November 6, 2014

Smoke and Health Alerts

Smoke and Health Alerts PowerPoint presentation by Jeff Stonesifer City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department Director: Mary Lou Leonard November 6, 2014

General SWFSC Handout 2012

General SWFSC Handout 2012 What is the Southwest Fire Science Consortium? Information on what SWFSC does from 2012