After the Fire: Learning from Burned Areas in the Southwest

In the spring of 2019, several partners teamed up with the Burned Area Learning Network to visit coordinate a series of three field trips across the Southwest. Scientists, researchers, and land managers came together to visit burned areas of the Boundary Fire (2017) and Pumpkin Fire (2000) in Arizona, the Las Conchas Fire (2011) in …

2016 Fire Ecology & Management Conference

Beyond hazardous fuels: Managing fire for social, economic, and ecological benefits Recordings and field trip info now available! This Southwest Regional Fire Ecology and Management Conference occurred in Tucson, Arizona November 28 – December 2, 2016 in partnership with the Association for Fire Ecology. To view recordings of plenary presentations and some others, click here …

Series of 4 images that show a range of forest health.

Wildfire and Climate Change Adaptation

IN A NUTSHELL Experts tell the story of forest change since colonization, and share insights and answer questions about how we might steward a legacy of forest change and mitigate climate change impacts. Description: Climate change and wildfires pose an existential threat to western North American forests, a reality which necessitates place-based strategies to increase …

Steffen and Obsidian Fire Effects Presentations 2018

Steffen and Obsidian Fire Effects Presentations 2018 Presentation given at the workshop: Working together‐ Fire managers & archaeologists November 27‐29, 2018 Organized by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium

May 9, 2018: BehavePlus updates and changes

Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenters: Faith Ann Heinsch, S&K Global Solutions, RMRS Missoula Fire Lab In the webinar, Faith Ann… briefly described major changes from version 5 to version 6 showed sample Runs demonstrating these changes provided suggestions for calculating surface fire behavior using BehavePlus v6 described how changes in BehavePlus affect …