2019 Cultivating Pyrodiversity- 8th AFE International Fire Ecology & Management Congress

The Association for Fire Ecology is excited to be hosting this event in Tucson, Arizona in cooperation with the Southwest Fire Science Consortium. Presentations will feature the latest in research results, applications, case studies, and lessons learned, and special sessions will be designed to unify science and application and to create opportunities for interdisciplinary learning. …

Collaborative Planning for Fire-Adapted Communities

Presenter: Dr. Fermin Alcasena Date: August 26, 2020 11am AZ/12pm MDT Despite the growing number of extreme fires occurring in wildland-urban interface areas of the western US, the development of wildfire risk reduction programs aimed at creating fire-adapted communities has been scarce. We present a management-oriented collaborative planning case study for the rural communities in …

December 12, 2013: Cooperative Burning and Training Exchanges

Jeremy Bailey, a career firefighter and prescribed fire burn boss, will discuss the Fire Learning Network’s Training Exchange program and how it is being used to train numerous local workforces to advance burning across all lands. In the past seven years, these training exchanges have been deployed on federal, state and private lands, bringing together …

May 2, 2019: New reforestation practices for post-wildfire landscapes- building early resilience

Presenter: Jens Stevens, PhD, US Geological Survey Date: May 2, 2019 11am AZ/12pm MDT The increasing frequency and severity of fire and drought events have negatively impacted the capacity and success of reforestation efforts in many dry, western forests. Challenges to reforestation include the size, cost, and safety concerns of replanting large areas with standing …

Let’s talk WUI

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY We talked with two scientists about life in the Wildland Urban Interface or WUI. We were particularly curious about why people choose to move into these areas even when the risks are well known and have been demonstrated pretty dramatically in the past few years. We wanted to …

April 9, 2019: Use of the Target Plant Concept to Promote Successful Post-Fire Forest Restoration

Presenters: Owen Burney, PhD, Associate Professor and Superintendent John T. Harrington Forestry Research Center, New Mexico State University Date: April 9, 2019 11am AZ/12pm MDT Restoration of severely burned forest lands is limited in the southwestern US primarily due to a lack of research and resources. For those areas that have been reforested, there has been …