Sonoran Fuel Breaks

In February 2024, the Southwest Fire Science Consortium led a field trip in central Arizona to learn more about the dynamics between wildfire and invasive species in the Sonoran Desert. The field trip was focused on improving our collective understanding of how invasive grasses and forbs have altered the fire conditions in the Sonoran Desert …

Steffen and Obsidian Fire Effects Presentations 2018

Steffen and Obsidian Fire Effects Presentations 2018 Presentation given at the workshop: Working together‐ Fire managers & archaeologists November 27‐29, 2018 Organized by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium

Hunter Tribal Consultation November 27, 2018

Hunter Tribal Consultation November 27, 2018 Bureau of Indian Affairs Mescalero Agency presentation on Tribal Consultation by Melvin Hunter Jr. Supervisory Forester on November 27, 2018

Post-Wildfire Recovery Through Principles of Engineering with Nature Cover Photo

Post-Wildfire Recovery Through The Principles of Engineering with Nature

In a nutshell: Following a severe wildfire, recovery efforts can benefit from using “Engineering With Nature” principles to utilize existing materials on the landscape for slope stabilization, erosion control, and stream restoration. Learn about the successes and lessons learned with these techniques in Santa Clara Canyon, NM after the destructive Las Conchas Fire. Recorded on: …