April 26, 2017: Southwest Fire Season 2016 Overview and 2017 Outlook

Date: Wednesday April 26, 2017 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenter: Zander Evans, Forest Stewards Guild and Chuck Maxwell, Predictive Services Meteorologist, Southwest Coordination Center Please join us for a webinar to review last year’s fires and look ahead toward conditions for this year. Dr. Zander Evans will present an overview of the 12 largest fires in the …

April 12, 2017: Efficacy of resource objective wildfires for restoring ponderosa pine ecosystems in N. Arizona

Efficacy of resource objective wildfires for restoring ponderosa pine ecosystems in northern Arizona Date: April 12, 2017 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: David Huffman, Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University Historical interruption of frequent surface fire regimes and decades of fire exclusion have resulted in degraded ecological conditions in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests of the American …

Resources for predicting and mitigating smoke impacts of wildland fires

Resources for predicting and mitigating smoke impacts of wildland fires PDF. Working Paper 40, August 2018, by Caleb Stotts, Pete Lahm, and Claudia Standish Factsheet also available here. Fact Sheet, August 2018, by Caleb Stotts, Pete Lahm, and Claudia Standish Fire managers use prescribed fire and some wildfires to meet resource management objectives, like restoring and maintaining …

Can landscape fuel treatments enhance both protection and resource management objectives?

Date: September 14, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDTPresenter: Kevin Vogler, Pyrologix LLC, Missoula Montana Land management agencies in the U.S. Departments of Interior and Agriculture can potentially accomplish ecological resource management objectives using unplanned wildfires, but only if such fires do not otherwise threaten to damage valuable resources and assets. Landscape-scale fuel treatments have been proposed …

April 25, 2013: Impacts of fire hazard assessment and fuel reduction priorities on mega-fire outcomes: A hypothetical test using the Wallow Fire in Arizona

Presenter: Amy Waltz, Program Director of Science Delivery, Ecological Restoration Institute Uncharacteristically large and severe wildfires, or mega-fires, are occurring with increasing frequency over the last decades in the western United States. The 2011 Wallow Fire, a 538,049-acre (217,740-hectare) fire in the conifer forests of eastern Arizona, provided the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of …

Overview and Verification of LANDFIRE Fuels: 2022 Cooks Peak Fire 

In a Nutshell: Learn more about how to use LANDFIRE. We’ll use the 2022 Cook’s Fire as a case study. Description: A practitioner-oriented overview of LANDFIRE with a focus on fuels and how they react to modeling techniques. The subject area of discussion will be the 2022 Cooks Peak fire located in northern New Mexico. This webinar will …

A Synthesis of the Best Available Science on Wildland Fire Related Topics in the Southwestern US in 2023

“Fire is an integral component of many Southwest ecosystems; however, fire regimes across the region have been affected by climate change, creating conditions to which these ecosystems have not adapted. Since 1980, fire frequency, size and severity have increased in many ecosystems in the western US due to changes in climate combined with a history …