April 26, 2017: Southwest Fire Season 2016 Overview and 2017 Outlook

Date: Wednesday April 26, 2017 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenter: Zander Evans, Forest Stewards Guild and Chuck Maxwell, Predictive Services Meteorologist, Southwest Coordination Center Please join us for a webinar to review last year’s fires and look ahead toward conditions for this year. Dr. Zander Evans will present an overview of the 12 largest fires in the …

May 5, 2020: Adaptation strategies for climate and fire in the Southwest

Presenters: Martha Sample and Andi Thode, Northern Arizona UniversityDate: May 5, 2020 12pm AZ/1pm MDT We will be presenting recent work on a Fire-Climate Adaptation ‘menu’ of strategies and approaches that can be used to align fire-specific management goals with climate impacts. The strategies that we have developed fit neatly into an existing climate adaptation framework …

Grassification and Fast-Evolving Fire Connectivity and Risk in the Sonoran Desert

IN A NUTSHELL: In the second webinar in a series on invasive grass-driven changes in dry desert systems, presenters will discuss their findings on the fire dynamics of the 2020 Bighorn Fire in the Sonoran Desert near Tucson, AZ to better understand the changing nature of fire in desert systems which are increasingly experiencing conversion …

November 27-29, 2018: Working together- Fire managers & archaeologists

Thank you to all who attended for helping us make this workshop a success! November 27th consisted of a one-day workshop on fire effects to archaeological resources November 28-29th was an interactive workshop and covered the following topics: Importance of fire on the landscape and the importance of protecting cultural resources within that context How …

May 9, 2018: BehavePlus updates and changes

Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 12pm MDT (11am AZ) Presenters: Faith Ann Heinsch, S&K Global Solutions, RMRS Missoula Fire Lab In the webinar, Faith Ann… briefly described major changes from version 5 to version 6 showed sample Runs demonstrating these changes provided suggestions for calculating surface fire behavior using BehavePlus v6 described how changes in BehavePlus affect …