Pyne on Wildland Fire in America October 22, 2015

Pyne on Wildland Fire in America October 22, 2015

Wildland Fire in America – a contemporary survey
By Steve Pyne
The project’s goal is a historical and geographical survey of wildland fire in America. The original proposal intended two books. One, Between Two Fires: A Fire History of America, 1960-2012, would serve as a play-by-play and tell a story of ideas, institutions, and fires. The other, To the Last Smoke, would serve as color commentary, assembling an anthology of essays on particular places, topics, people, and events. The project would run from late 2010 to 2014, overseen by Lincoln Bramwell, USFS chief historian. Sponsors included the U.S. Forest Service, Department of the Interior, and JFSP. Updates and essays have been posted on the project website []. PDFs of the manuscripts were sent to the sponsors in September, 2014.