Two photos of the same forest, one prior to treatment and one after thinning treatment

A Long-Term View of Collaborative Forest Management: The 15-Year Southwest Jemez CFLRP Report

In a nutshell: Presenters from the Southwest Jemez Mountains CFLRP will offer lessons gleaned from 15 years of cooperative work about the impact of managed and prescribed fire, forest thinning, and a collaborative approach to land management on landscape resiliency. Date and Time: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 12:00 PM Mountain/11:00 AM Arizona Description: Multi-party …

Tool for Understanding Human-Nature Relationships for Wildland Fire Management

Presenter: Chris Armatas, Research Social Scientist, Forest Service & Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research InstituteDate: September 23, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT Wildland fire is a phenomenon that impacts people and communities from the local to the national scale. These impacts are generally entwined with the human and ecological meanings and services that people derive from public …

Transboundary Management & Fire Regimes of Bi-National Sky Islands

Presenter: Miguel Villarreal, Western Geographic Science Center, USGSDate: July 20, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT In this webinar I will share results of a recent study of contemporary fire regimes over a 32-year period (1985-2017) in the Madrean Sky Islands of the U.S. and México. Our research team evaluated the size, severity and return interval of …

Doing Work on the Land of Our Ancestors: Reserved Treaty Rights Lands Collaborations

Presenters: Greg Russell, Colorado State University; Mike Martinez, Pueblo of Tesuque; Alan Hatch, Santa Ana PuebloDate: May 6, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT This webinar considers the Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL) program and how it has been used to implement collaborative fuel management projects on National Forest lands. RTRL is a funding program administered by …

East Jemez Landscape Futures

Date: December 15, 2020 12pm Mountain Time The East Jemez Landscape Futures (EJLF) project is a collaborative, landscape-scale approach to help guide future planning and research efforts in the severely altered landscapes of the eastern Jemez Mountains. EJLF seeks to address uncertainty by building a network of land managers, scientists, artists, NGOs and interested community members …

Collaborative Planning for Fire-Adapted Communities

Presenter: Dr. Fermin Alcasena Date: August 26, 2020 11am AZ/12pm MDT Despite the growing number of extreme fires occurring in wildland-urban interface areas of the western US, the development of wildfire risk reduction programs aimed at creating fire-adapted communities has been scarce. We present a management-oriented collaborative planning case study for the rural communities in …

Working Together: Fire Managers and Archaeologists

The Southwest contains both some of the greatest of archaeological sites and landscapes in which fire plays a major role in the ecosystem. Due to the widespread prevalence of both fire and cultural resources, archaeologists and fire managers must work together to locate and manage significant sites. However, different perspectives and approaches between fire managers …

December 10, 2014: Working Across Fence Lines: Multi-jurisdictional planning and prescribed fire

Presenter: Eytan Krasilovsky, Forest Guild Fire cuts across administrative boundaries and our restoration work needs to as well. Whether it is multijurisdictional planning or multiagency prescribed burning, working across boundaries presents a unique set of challenges. In this webinar, Eytan Krasilovksy will discuss multijurisdictional NEPA planning in the Rio Trampas watershed and this year’s multiagency …

December 12, 2013: Cooperative Burning and Training Exchanges

Jeremy Bailey, a career firefighter and prescribed fire burn boss, will discuss the Fire Learning Network’s Training Exchange program and how it is being used to train numerous local workforces to advance burning across all lands. In the past seven years, these training exchanges have been deployed on federal, state and private lands, bringing together …