May 18, 2016: Southwest Fire Season: 2015 Overview and 2016 Outlook- May 2016

Presenter: Zander Evans, Forest Guild and Brent Wachter, National Weather Service Please join us for a webinar to review last year’s fires and look ahead toward conditions for this year. Dr. Zander Evans will present an overview of the 12 largest fires in the Southwest during 2015. He will share summaries of forest types and burn …

March 17, 2016: Persistence and fire regimes of oak shrubfields suggest increasing dominance with climate change

Presenter: Chris Guiterman, University of Arizona PhD Candidate A number of recent studies in the Southwest region have documented abrupt transitions of conifer-dominated forests to shrubfields following high-severity fire. Little is known about the long-term ecosystem dynamics of these stands, including their successional trajectories and interactions with fire. I will present dendroecological analyses of five of …

January 20, 2016: Biophysical Settings Review: What it is. How it works. Why it matters

Date: Wednesday January 20, 2016 12pm Mountain Presenter: Randy Swaty, The Nature Conservancy LANDFIRE Team All ecosystems are dynamic, changing due to growth, succession and disturbances. Modeling large landscapes in the United States requires the collective knowledge of experienced and knowledgeable vegetation and fire experts. In collaboration with hundreds of colleagues, LANDFIRE produced more than 1,000 state-and-transitions …

June 20, 2012: Fire Regime Condition Class Concepts

Presenter: Steve Barrett & Kathy Schon (NIFTT University of Idaho) Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) is an interagency, standardized tool for determining the degree of departure from reference condition vegetation structure and composition and fire regimes. FRCC metrics can help guide management objectives and set priorities for treatments. This webinar introduces the participant to the theories …

November 10, 2015: Mixed Conifer Forest Ecology: Emerging Science

This will be a panel presentation followed by a question/answer and discussion, approximately 90 minutes in length Assessing and analyzing mixed conifer spatial patterns of northern Arizona (Kyle Rodman) Effects of tree cutting and fire on understory vegetation in mixed conifer forests (Judy Springer) Treatement effectiveness of mixed conifer treatments in the Wallow Fire (Amy Waltz) Overview …

Whitetail photo

September 10, 2015: Fire Management on the San Carlos Apache Reservation

We took a full day field trip to visit various fires managed through partnership between the San Carlos Apache (SCA) Tribe and the BIA San Carlos Agency. Over the last several years, they have built a mosaic of fire by allowing fire to retake its natural role across the Nantac Rim. Recent fires on the …

February 25, 2015: Fire and climate history of the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Integration of tree-ring and alluvial-sediment methods

Presenter: Erica Bigio, University of Arizona This webinar presents research on the historical fire regimes of the western San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado, where the landscape provided a unique opportunity to sample tree-ring and alluvial-sediment records in the same study sites. Knowledge of historical fire regimes (frequency, size, severity) can help support management plans …

January 21, 2015: The Ability of Wildfire to Act as a Fuel Treatment

Presenter: Sean Parks, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service In partnership with the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, Sean will present the results from a JSFP-funded study that highlights the ability of wildfire to act as a fuel treatment. This study evaluated whether or not wildfires limited the occurrence, …

October 2014: Jemez Mountains

We put together a field trip for the JFSP governing board to tour the Jemez Mountains area with a focus on understanding/studying the fires that occurred there over several decades. The field trip materials below are listed in order of each place we stopped. We also have provided a virtual field trip with photos of …

Fire Regime Reconstruction Methods

This working paper discusses several methods for reconstructing historical fire regimes.Each of these methods will be discussed in terms of advantages, disadvantages, inherent uncertainties, and assumptions as well as temporal and spatial precision. The potential value and limitations for reconstructing historical forest structure and composition with each method are also briefly covered. Working Paper 32, …