Dark green forest with ReSHAPE and SWERI logos in print on top.

ReSHAPE: Reshaping wildfire and fuels reduction information

In a nutshell: This presentation will introduce the Treatment and Wildfire Interagency Geodatabase (TWIG), a geodatabase and viewer integrating nationwide federal—and soon state-level—fuel treatment and wildfire data, demonstrating how it differs from other decision support tools and exploring its applications, through research examples, for both advanced statistical analysis and use in direct management decisions. Date/Time: …

Two photos of the same forest, one prior to treatment and one after thinning treatment

A Long-Term View of Collaborative Forest Management: The 15-Year Southwest Jemez CFLRP Report

In a nutshell: Presenters from the Southwest Jemez Mountains CFLRP will offer lessons gleaned from 15 years of cooperative work about the impact of managed and prescribed fire, forest thinning, and a collaborative approach to land management on landscape resiliency. Date and Time: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 12:00 PM Mountain/11:00 AM Arizona Description: Multi-party …

Two bears foraging in the forest

The Bear Truth: Black Bear Resource Selection and Response to Wildfires and Forest Restoration Treatments

In a nutshell: This presentation will provide valuable insights for managers seeking to reduce wildfire risk while maintaining or enhancing habitat for black bears or sympatric species in fire prone landscapes. Date/Time: Apr 9, 2025 at 10:00AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain Description: An era of fire suppression, compounded by selective harvesting of large diameter trees …

Soil micro invertebrates laid out in a ring. These are colorful little creatures: red, orange, purple, clear, brown).

Soil Microinvertebrates

Did you know that most multicellular animals in forests are tiny soil and litter dwelling invertebrates that are barely visible or invisible to the naked eye? We call these minute critters “microinvertebrates” (in contrast to “macroinvertebrates,” which are larger, more easily observable invertebrates like earthworms). Scroll down to read the fact sheet below or download …

Building Ecosystem Resilience & Adaptive Capacity: Aspen Ecology and Management in the Southwest

In a nutshell: Dr. Connor Crouch presents on three threats facing quaking aspen in the Southwest – climate, pests and disease, and livestock browse – and three management objectives and strategies that can be implemented to improve aspen resilience and adaptive capacity, leaving attendees with actionable suggestions for resource management. Recorded on: Wednesday, January 22, …

2023 Overview and 2024 Outlook Webinar Cover Photo

Fire in the Southwest Ep. 6: The Ebb and Flow of Public Trust Around Prescribed Fire, with New Mexico State Forester Lindsey Quam

EPISODE SUMMARY In our sixth and final episode of the Fire in the Southwest Series—sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative—we explore the complex, multicultural fire histories and management dynamics in New Mexico, with State Forester and Tribal Liaison Lindsey Quam. New Mexico’s recent relationship with fire has been fraught …

Fuel Breaks for the Sonoran Desert

In February 2024, the Southwest Fire Science Consortium led a field trip in central Arizona to learn more about the dynamics between wildfire and invasive species in the Sonoran Desert. The field trip was focused on improving our collective understanding of how invasive grasses and forbs have altered the fire conditions in the Sonoran Desert …

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 2: The Grassification of the Sonoran Desert with Ecologist Mary Lata

EPISODE SUMMARY What is it like to watch vegetation type-conversion in real time? How are invasive grasses changing the ecology of the desert and broader Southwest? What’s being done to protect and restore Southwest ponderosa pine forests?  This episode with Tonto National Forest fire ecologist Mary Lata dives into the fire regimes of the Southwest, …

Water flowing through the Lower Gila River with scattered trees and bare earth.

Tamarisk Removal along the Lower Gila River – COMING SOON!

Part of the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and AZ Wildfire Initiative‘s  SW Fire Stories wildfire documentary video series, this video raises awareness about wildfire on the Lower Gila River and surrounding communities and the work being done by the Lower Gila River Collaborative to reduce wildfire risk and to inform people about the habitat and importance of restoration on the Lower …

Sonoran desert post-fire with charred saguaro

Sonoran Fuel Breaks Field Trip – February 2024

This field trip will delve into the critical issues of wildfire risk and invasive species management in the Sonoran Desert near Phoenix, AZ. We will hear from public, state, and private land managers who have been conducting wildfire operations, prescribed burns, thinning, and invasive plant removal to protect the Sonoran Desert. Field Trip Objectives: Who …