The San Juan fire ignited on June 26, 2014 on the White Mountain Apache Reservation and quickly entered the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. The fire was wind-driven for the first few days, and fire behavior was influenced by extremely dry fuel conditions related to long-term drought. However, as the fire moved to the southwest it encountered a series of fuels treatments done as part of the White Mountain Stewardship Contract and a habitat improvement partnership project. View the YouTube video here.
December 16, 2015: Impacts of Thinning and Burning in Spotted Owl Habitat
Presenter: Quentin Hays, Eastern New Mexico University On forested lands throughout the Southwest, Mexican spotted owls (Strix occidentalis lucida) are a driver of management activities, as the current Recovery Plan (USFWS 2012) dictates forest treatment guidelines in designated owl habitat. These guidelines often prove restrictive for forest management and restoration programs, which serve to promote resiliency and …
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