February 13, 2014: Restoring Composition and Structure in Southwestern Frequent-Fire Forests: A science-based framework for improving ecosystem resiliency

Presenters: Richard Reynolds, Andrew Sánchez Meador, James Youtz, Tessa Nicolet, Megan Matonis, Patrick Jackson, Donald DeLorenzo, Andrew Graves (based on RMRS-GTR-310) Originally intended as pre-work for “Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop” on February 13, 2014. Watch the webinar recording.

February 11, 2014: What is Climate Change? How will our changing climate impact seasonal weather conditions across the Southwest?

Presenters: Darren McCollum and Robert Bohlin, National Weather Service meteorologists Originally presented February 11, 2014 This webinar was originally intended as pre-work for “Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop,” Read a pdf of their presentation. Watch the webinar recording.

January 15, 2014: Black Lake Prescribed Burn: Lessons Learned in Building Capacity for Prescribed Fire

Eytan Krasilovsky will share challenges and lessons learned surrounding the Forest Guild’s recent Black Lake Training Exchange. Forest Guild and the New Mexico State Land Office, with support from the Nature Conservancy’s Fire Learning Network, convened a grant funded training exchange to burn 900 acres of state trust lands in a wildland-urban interface in northern …

December 12, 2013: Cooperative Burning and Training Exchanges

Jeremy Bailey, a career firefighter and prescribed fire burn boss, will discuss the Fire Learning Network’s Training Exchange program and how it is being used to train numerous local workforces to advance burning across all lands. In the past seven years, these training exchanges have been deployed on federal, state and private lands, bringing together …

November 25, 2013: The Role of Fire in Shortgrass Rangelands

Presenter: David Augustine, USDA-ARS Landscape Ecologist In this webinar, we will discuss research on the role and use of prescribed fire in the western Great Plains, focusing on studies conducted in the shortgrass steppe of Colorado over the past decade. We will discuss the fuel loads and weather conditions under which prescribed burning has been …

Fuel Treatment Longevity

There are several ways to evaluate fuel treatment effectiveness: observations, case studies, mathematical models, and empirical studies. Within these four categories, there are several methods that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of fuel treatments both immediately after treatment and over time. This paper summarizes the goals, effects, and advantages of various treatment actions; …

SW Mixed Conifer Forests: Evaluating Reference Conditions to Guide Fuel Treatments

This working paper covers three topics to guide treatments in mixed-conifer forests of the Southwest: 1) describes the current knowledge of mixed-conifer historical reference conditions for fire regimes, stand structure, and species composition in the Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico and adjacent areas); 2) provides field diagnostics to assess reference conditions; and 3) offers land managers …

August 21, 2013: Effects of fuel treatments on wildfire severity

Presenters: Charlotte Reemts, an Ecologist for the Nature Conservancy and Helen Poulos, Wesleyan University Charlotte and Helen teamed up to present this webinar that connected science and management of fire in the Davis Mountains of west Texas. Three wildfires burned through the pinyon-juniper-oak forests of the Davis Mountains in 2011 and 2012. Fuel treatments (prescribed fire, …

The Fire Laboratory: Forest Restoration on the Gila

Vast stands of ponderosa pine stretch across the Gila National Forest, a testament to the role of fire in this corner of the Southwest. For decades, fire managers on the Gila have been reintroducing fire back on to the landscape. This video introduces some of the people behind the story of fire on the Gila National Forest.

Click here for accompanying  “The Fire Laboratory” write up containing more detail.

May 15, 2013: The Structure of Fire Size Distributions: A Broad View of Interacting Gradients in Wilderness Management, Spatial Climate, and Topography in Three Western Regions

Presenter: Sandra Haire, Haire Laboratory for Landscape Ecology Determining the effects of land management on fire regime characteristics is complicated by the interaction of several factors that vary in space and time. First, fire size and frequency are linked to climate conditions, including drought, as well as wind and temperature that define weather conditions during …