View of HPCC burn, the view looks downhill upon a forest of matchstick trees

Learning from New Mexico’s Largest Wildfire

Understand the takeaways derived from a panel of expert practitioners and thinkers during a special panel session titled: “Learning from the Hermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Wildfire, the largest fire in New Mexico: From erosion to reforestation and living in the continuum of wildfire cycles” held during the 4th Annual Southwest Fire Ecology Conference. This fact …

Preparing for Wildfire

This is a summary of findings and themes that emerged in interviews with over 100 individuals across Arizona during in-depth community consultations. These insights will help community leaders be more strategic about using resources to improve wildfire adaptation in policy and practice.

How to Organize A Community Chipper Day

KEEPING COMMUNITIES RESILIENT TO WILDFIRE WITH NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS. A chipper day typically involves residents removing vegetation around their home and having the removed material chipped to reduce the risk of wildfire to their home and community. Coordinating vegetation removal between residents and local groups or organizations helps to maximize the impact of this work …

Group of people look into a cloud of smoke

Human Causes and Human Consequences of Wildfires in the Western United States

In a nutshell: Three webinars over three days explore conditions that contribute to wildfire ignitions, how preparation and response need to be tailored to fit the affected community, and how red flag warnings help reduce fire ignitions. Date and time: January 28, 29, & 30, 2025 at 11:00pm AZ/MT Description:Day 1: Interdisciplinary understanding and prediction …

Wildfire Ready Business Continuity Planning

Business continuity planning involves looking at your business from inside and out to determine the people, resources and procedures that are absolutely essential to keep your operation running. The plan ensures that personnel and assets are protected and can function effectively in the event of a wildfire. Provided below are a just few resources included …

Tribal Collaborations and Agreements: The Community Navigators Program (CNP)

This webinar has been cancelled for organizational purposes. We apologize for the change of schedule and inconvenience and hope to see you at the AZ Tribal Fire and Climate Resilience Summit to learn more about this topic Date and time: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:30 PM Mountain Time / 11:30 AM Arizona Presenters: First Nations Development …

Indigenous Policy Series RTRL-2

Working on Ancestral Lands: a primer on Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL)

In a nutshell: This presentation offers information on funding mechanisms, resources for, and how, where, and by whom the Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL) program can be accessed. Watch the recording to hear first-hand accounts of how RTRL is used to implement collaborative fuel management projects on National Forests. Recorded on: August 28, 2024 Description: Ancestral …

Using Wildfire Visualization for Mindful Communication

Visualizations like interactive maps, 3D videos, and virtual reality simulations are becoming popular tools for communicating with public and professional audiences about wildfire behavior and risk. Sharing information as visualizations requires careful consideration of how content might affect those who view it, particularly during and after wildfire events when the likelihood of causing or exacerbating …

podcast episode 4: Zander Evans

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 4: The Shifting Role of the Forest Stewards Guild in an Era of Megafires, with Zander Evans

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to episode four of our Fire in the Southwest Series, supported by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium as well as the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! Today’s guest, Zander Evans, is the executive director of the Forest Stewards Guild, which has a mission of promoting ecologically-, economically-, and socially-responsible forestry as a means of sustaining the integrity of …