Smoke impacts, air resource advisors and you!

Air Resource Advisors provide a vast array of tools and products to predict and communicate smoke impacts during wildfires. Having a resource solely dedicated to smoke management and effective messaging improves both internal and external communication. View the video here.

August 29, 2018: The full community costs of wildfire

Date: August 29, 2018 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: Kimiko Barrett, Headwaters Economics As wildfires increase in size and severity, the costs to protect homes and lives similarly rise. Yet protecting communities represents a relatively small portion of the total costs of a wildfire—other short- and long-term impacts yield a variety of costs that often go …

November 27-29, 2018: Working together- Fire managers & archaeologists

Thank you to all who attended for helping us make this workshop a success! November 27th consisted of a one-day workshop on fire effects to archaeological resources November 28-29th was an interactive workshop and covered the following topics: Importance of fire on the landscape and the importance of protecting cultural resources within that context How …

May 17, 2018: Fire and Water Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Date: Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 6:30pm Location: Museum of Northern Arizona, 3100 N. Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff, AZ Catastrophic wildfire impacts many aspects of life in Arizona: from the quality and sustainability of our water supplies to the safety and livelihood of people who live in mountain towns on the edge of our forests. …

April 27-28, 2018: Arizona Wildland Urban Interface Summit

This two-day summit is designed for homeowners, community members and emergency response agencies to exchange information on various wildfire preparedness and mitigation actions, in an effort to reduce loss and increase safety within their community. Topics include the Firewise USA program, hazard fuel reduction grants, insurance issues, Fire Adapted Communities program, Ready-Set-Go!, emergency management, forest …

April 10-12, 2018: New Mexico Wildland Urban Fire Summit

The Wildland Urban Fire (WUF) Summit is one of New Mexico’s largest events designed to discuss and prepare the state for wildfires, including the impending 2018 wildfire season. The theme for this year’s WUF Summit is “Collaborative Community Action” and this topic will be highlighted throughout the two-day summit. There will be three concurrent track …

January 10, 2018: The Wildfire Within: Firefighter perspectives on gender and leadership in wildland fire

The Wildfire Within: Firefighter perspectives on gender and leadership in wildland fire Date: January 10, 2018 12pm Mountain Presenter: Rachel Reimer, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC, Canada This project utilized a feminist appreciative approach to Action Research to facilitate a conversation about gender and leadership within the British Columbia Wildfire Service (BCWS). The research question was, “How …

November 14, 2017: Where there’s smoke… there’s social science! Public perceptions of smoke & communication from multiple regions

Date: November 14, 2017 12pm Mountain Presenters: Stacey Frederick, Coordinator, California Fire Science Consortium The importance of smoke has been well-observed by managers through frequent concerns expressed over smoke. Public perceptions of fuel reduction techniques, with a particular emphasis on using prescribed fire as a management tool, have been under study for almost a decade. However, research …

August 31, 2017: The East Jemez Landscape Futures Project

Date: August 31, 2017 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: Collin Haffey, USGS Jemez Mountains Field Station The East Jemez Landscape Futures (EJLF) project is a collaborative process that aims to develop a holistic and forward-looking approach to managing areas of the eastern Jemez Mountains severely altered by drought, high severity fire, and post-fire flooding. To engage a diversity …

June 14, 2017: Recovery & adaptation after wildfire across the United States, 2009-2011

Date: June 14, 2017 11am AZ/12pm MDT Presenter: Miranda H. Mockrin, USFS Northern Research Station Becoming a fire-adapted community that can live with wildfire is envisioned as a continuous, iterative process of adaptation. In eight case study sites across the United States we examined how destructive wildfire affected altered progress towards becoming fire-adapted, focusing on the …