Silver Fire smoke

November 2014: Wildland Fire Smoke in the Air- What does it mean to me?

Thank you to all those who attended, making it a successful workshop! Due to videographer limitations, we were not able to record all of the presentations during concurrent sessions. November 6-8, 2014 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Program available here Click here to watch the associated webinar: “Smoke Forecasting Tools: A Case Study in Air Quality” …

June 11, 2014: People, fire, and insects: Three centuries of disturbance interactions along an ecological gradient of the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona

Presenter: Kit O’Connor, University of Arizona In the Pinaleño Mountains of Southeast Arizona, a series of high-severity insect outbreaks and fires in recent decades appear to be unprecedented in the historical record.  These disturbances raise concerns about forest resilience and long-term sustainability of one of the most ecologically diverse landscapes in the southwest.  We used …

A post-fire ponderosa pine seedling

February 2014: Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop

Fostering resilience in Southwestern ecosystems: A problem solving workshop Ecosystems and fire regimes are moving into new domains as a consequence of climate change, disturbance, and other causes. Fire professionals and land managers in the region are confronted with new fire regimes, fire effects, and ecosystem recovery trajectories following disturbance. To help fire and ecosystem …

April 16, 2014: The southwest fire season: 2013 overview and 2014 outlook

Presenters: Zander Evans (Forest Guild) and Chuck Maxwell (Predictive Services) This webinar provided an overview of the eight largest fires in the Southwest during 2013 based on the recent report from ERI and SWFSC. The webinar included summaries of forest types and burn severities for each of the eight fires. In addition, Chuck Maxwell, meteorologist …

November 2013: Living with Fire in Northern New Mexico: Fire, Forests and Communities

This was an interactive workshop with regional scientists and land managers, breakout sessions that allowed for open dialogue with participants and presenters, and time for one on one with presenters and others. Topics covered: The ecology of forests and fire of Northern New Mexico Current conditions in our forests and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) communities …

November 14, 2012: Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Effects of Fire on Cultural Resources

Presenter: Kevin Ryan This webinar provided an introduction to the new edition of the Rainbow series that provides fire and land management professionals and policy makers with a greater understanding of the value of cultural resource protection and the methods available to evaluate and mitigate risks to cultural resources. Watch the webinar recording.

September 19, 2012: Social Network Analysis

Presenter: Vita Wright (Northern Rockies Fire Science Network) Recent science communication studies of the federal fire management community suggest managers access research via informal information networks, and that these networks vary by both agency and position. We used a phone survey to understand the informal science communication networks of fire professionals in two of the …