Southwest Indigenous Fire Stewardship Annotated Bibliography

A review of sources published between 2014-2024. Indigenous Peoples have used fire in their stewardship of Southwest landscapes for thousands of years. Understanding how, when, and why Indigenous Peoples have used fire can help keep southwestern ecosystems healthy and resilient. Research on cultural burning and Indigenous Fire Knowledge has often been conducted through extractive ways …

2023 Overview and 2024 Outlook Webinar Cover Photo

Fire in the Southwest Ep. 6: The Ebb and Flow of Public Trust Around Prescribed Fire, with New Mexico State Forester Lindsey Quam

EPISODE SUMMARY In our sixth and final episode of the Fire in the Southwest Series—sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative—we explore the complex, multicultural fire histories and management dynamics in New Mexico, with State Forester and Tribal Liaison Lindsey Quam. New Mexico’s recent relationship with fire has been fraught …

Post-Wildfire Recovery Through Principles of Engineering with Nature Cover Photo

The Restoration of Santa Clara Canyon

This is the story of the Santa Clara Creek Watershed that serves as the primary water source, cultural identity, and spiritual sanctuary to the Pueblo of Santa Clara. Since 1998, three large wildfires impacted Santa Clara Creek, resulting in largely denuded slopes, exposed soils gave way, and leading to large-scale catastrophic flooding. In the wake …

Tribal Collaborations and Agreements: The Community Navigators Program (CNP)

This webinar has been cancelled for organizational purposes. We apologize for the change of schedule and inconvenience and hope to see you at the AZ Tribal Fire and Climate Resilience Summit to learn more about this topic Date and time: Thursday, September 26, 2024 12:30 PM Mountain Time / 11:30 AM Arizona Presenters: First Nations Development …

Indigenous Policy Series RTRL-2

Working on Ancestral Lands: a primer on Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL)

In a nutshell: This presentation offers information on funding mechanisms, resources for, and how, where, and by whom the Reserved Treaty Rights Lands (RTRL) program can be accessed. Watch the recording to hear first-hand accounts of how RTRL is used to implement collaborative fuel management projects on National Forests. Recorded on: August 28, 2024 Description: Ancestral …

TFPA and 638 Authority Webinar Cover Photo

A Primer on Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority

In a nutshell: This presentation offers information on the history and basics and presenter experience with two cross-boundary agreement tools available to Federally Registered Native American Tribes, the Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority. This sets the stage for a workshop on the same topic at the October 2024 Arizona Tribal Fire and Climate …

Fire in the Southwest Series, Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to our third episode of our Fire in the Southwest series! In this episode, we spoke with Jon Martin, who is the Director of Native American Forest and Rangeland Management Programming at the Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University. Jon spent three decades working in forestry before retiring, and now uses his extensive …

Diné Forest and Climate Teach-In

Join us on May 28th and 29th for a free teach-in event at the Ft. Defiance Chapter House aimed at expanding perspectives on forests and climate change! Our goal is to foster dialogue on forest health, reconnection, and explore solutions to environmental challenges. Priority topics will include climate change, fire ecology, cultural revitalization, plant conservation, …

Arizona Tribal Fire and Climate Resilience Summit – 2024

This summit is part of an ongoing effort to respect tribal sovereignty and treaty rights by supporting tribal use of fire as part of cultural and ecological resilience, and seeks to increase capacities, ameliorate challenges, and share examples that can guide tribes across the Southwest. In 2023, we gathered virtually to explore issues facing tribes …